Dark Moon in Aquarius ~ Partial Solar Eclipse

Today we have a New Moon in Aquarius at 1:05 pm PST (4:05 pm EST) with a partial solar eclipse (which although not as strong as a full eclipse it will still pull on you so best not to make big or new decisions today). We are moving through February with no Full Moon and that my friends, is something I have not written about before! With February sandwiched between two months of Blue Moons (yes, we will see two Full Moons in March as we did in January) we can look to this Moon as an awesome time to deeply seed intentions and watch them find stability and grow strong over these next weeks and months.

This week has a lot going on along side of this New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse with yesterday being Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday and tomorrow starting the Chinese New Year of the Earth Dog. Aquarius is an air element, sharing her energy of knowing as she inspires us to connect to our power of vision or innovative ideas ~ a time to remember you are a light! Aquarius is ruled by Uranus the planet of revolutionary vision ~ giving us the ability to visualize new possibilities, YES!

Tomorrow, February 16th, we move into the Chinese Year of the Earth Dog, a year where our successes our gained through justice and honesty ~ values that are grounding. Dogs are loyal, honest and trustworthy and the earth element enriches her character by adding stability ~ we can all use this stable, reliable energy this year.

So lets do a simple ceremony to draw down the new moon energies ~ using our hands to create and bring those intentions into our body reminding us of where we want to focus our attention to bring our thoughtful intentions to fruition!

We made these beautiful sweetgrass talismans at our Moon Circle this week and I want to share it with you! 


Sweetgrass Talisman


  • Collect the following:
    • Sweetgrass braid
    • Beads
    • Ribbon
    • Permanent marker for writing
    • String
    • Your intention
  • Place your into a bowl of water and let it sit for 30 minutes or more ~ if you like you can add some essential oils to the water (Myrrh is nice for the nervous system or Geranium for soothing and calming the mind or delicious Neroli!)
  • While your sweetgrass is soaking take a few minutes to open your ceremony with sound, or fire (candle) or a few minutes of meditation to gather your intention and energy. I love to start by lighting candles and then drawing a tarot card to center and bring my intention into my energy field with symbols and words ~ however you like to start your ritual do it!
  • Drain the water and pat your sweetgrass dry with a paper towel
  • Choose two strands to work with and try to find ones that are the same length and have more than one strand at the end (i.e. the start thick at the top with one strand, but break into two or three strands before you reach the end).
  • Take your sweetgrass and string a few beads onto the strands ~ you can use clay, gemstone or any beads you have that can bring your intention forward! use the ones that are shorter or the longest depending on where you want to have the beads landing in your braid. Once you have them where you want them, tie a small know around them (this is why it is important to wet the sweetgrass so that it is pliable and does not break).
  • Next take your ribbon and write or draw your intention onto the ribbon ~ depending on the ribbon you use you can write on one side or both sides.
  • Once you are done writing your intention and adding all your beads take the ribbon and the two strands of sweetgrass and tie them together at the top with your string. Tie it tight so that it does not come apart once you start braiding them all together.
  • Braid your three strands ~ one ribbon and two sweetgrass. You can have someone hold one end of the string while you braid or place the braid between your feet holding it with your big toes (!) and braid it ~ you will find the way that works best for you.
  • Once you get close to the bottom of the strands ~ tie another string to hold it together.
  • Now hang it in your room or somewhere in your house, car, etc to keep your intention rolling through you and your thoughts until the next Full Moon or until you feel it coming to fruition. Say the words your wrote as well as think them ~ it will be a magical two weeks!

Keeping our energy moving with thought and symbols is a way to become a creative influence in our lives and others. Keep your vision clear and know that your possibilities are infinite my dear moon family ~ I believe in you. 

New Moon Wishes,
xx Debra
Moon Mama

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