We are moving into another Full Moon ~ this time she is landing in Capricorn on Saturday, July 8th, at 9:06 pm PST / July 9th, at 12:06 EST. Capricorn is a feminine, earth sign and guides us back into our bodies, to ground, to connect and to create a strong foundation. When the Moon is in Capricorn she reminds us to organize, focus on our goals for the future and be responsible!
This Moon in Capricorn is all about taking on the task of being focused on what is important ~ seriously ~ it is time to put sweat equity into our dreams. And with Pluto in the picture it makes it a perfect time to clean out and reduce ~ physically and emotionally.
Full Moons are a time to release ~ anything, big or small. Take note and be conscious of the emotions and negative traits that show up 60 hours prior to the Moon’s fullness. Can you take a few minutes to breathe and look at what may have come forward today ~ what were you feeling? what triggers were activated? what grabbed your attention today that calls for release?
This is the time to work with your Root Chakra to reconnect with your body and bring focus to your tasks and work. This is an important chakra to balance, as it is from this energy center that we gain the stability and grounding needed for personal growth and transformation. Many people find that starting at this chakra helps one to be open to the healing of the other chakra energy centers. A great way to prepare for the upcoming New Moon in Leo, Third Eye Chakra.
Colors to add to your Altar under this Full Moon in Capricorn are deep greens and browns. Gemstones to work with include Smokey Quartz (great for your Full Moon Water), Garnet or Ruby. Aromatherapy could include Vetiver, Sandalwood, or Lavender.
If you are born under a Capricorn Moon you may define yourself by your work. You are most likely a natural organizer, and bring accomplishments to your community. Progress makes you happy and you love the challenges that come your way.
Here are a few simple ‘reminders’ on how to use the energy of this beautiful Full Moon in Capricorn:
Here are a few questions to contemplate:
And don’t forget to put out your Moon Water Gems~
Full Moon Blessings,
Debra, Moon Mama
To celebrate this Full Moon we are having a site-wide sale that starts tomorrow <3...watch for it!