Live by the Sun, Thrive by the Moon


I’m going to admit it…It has been years since I had a consistent AM and PM skincare routine. When I first began working for Gemstone Organic ~ I fell in love with the face cremes and hydrosols!  Then one day, Debra asked me if I’d like to try the Sun and Moon Facial Cleansers. I’m not going to lie... I was less enthusiastic about this idea. Face Cremes and Hydrosols...yes please :), but twice a day cleansers sounded like work.

I put the jars on my shelf for a week and thought about trying them everyday. Finally, my co-worker mentioned how much she was lovin’ the cleansers. This got me thinking, what was I waiting that night I decided to take the plunge!

Well, let me tell was I wrong about the cleansers being “work”. I not only did not dread them, but I actually got excited to get up and wash my face and then do it again before I tucked myself in at night. The morning (sun) cleanser awakened my senses with its sweet, granulated mixture of raw honey and rose petals. The night (moon) cleanser calmed me down with its poppy seed infused clay and soft scent of lavender. The two cleansers reminded me that taking care of myself, taking care of my skin, could be a luxurious experience that I wanted to do everyday, not just needed to do.

So enough about me. Try them for yourself. I went from only using a cleanser in the shower to now putting a couple of minutes aside each morning and night to happily commune with my face.

Not convinced yet. Let’s get down to the science of why these mixtures not only feel good, but also are bangin’ for your skin. Here are the ingredients in the two cleansers:

Sun Clean: raw, unfiltered organic honey, organic rose petals, organic thyme essential oil

Moon Clean: bentonite clay, organic lavender hydrosol, organic chia seeds, organic poppy seeds, and organic lavender essential oil

Let’s start with...The Sun Cleanser ~ raw honey has both antibacterial properties to help with acne and also skin saving antioxidants to help slow down the effects of aging. Honey is also great at unclogging pores and clarifying skin. Rose petals have natural oils that help trap moisture and hydrate skin. These dried petals are also great at gently exfoliating the skin. And lastly, thyme essential oil is a great antiseptic and antibacterial that can tone aged skin and prevent acne outbreaks.

And now to….The Moon Cleanser ~ bentonite clay is known for unclogging dirt and oil from your pores and helping to shrink them. The clay can also draw out heavy metals and other toxins from the skin and it is loaded with silica that helps make skin super soft :). The poppy and chia seeds are both gentle scrubs that exfoliate the skin while also leaving the skin soft and moisturized. The lavender hydrosol is a wonderful skin toner while the lavender essential oil has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help fight off blemishes and heal burns.

So there you have it. These cleansers are not just a yummy experience for your senses, but they are also a natural way to protect, heal, and nourish your skin from morning through night :).

With Love, Meagan
Gemstone Sorceress

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