Yes, the New Moon in Gemini is tomorrow, June 3rd at 3:02 am PST (6:02 am EST). Gemini's have been described as honey bees moving from flower to flower collecting all the information they can in the world in order to make sense of their purpose. Gemini is an air sign ruled by the planet Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication.
The honey bee is a symbol of extracting the sweetness of life. They share with us the promise that is we but pursue our dreams, no matter how great, they can be fulfilled.
Air signs teach us to find a way through ~ as the wind ~ by penetrating and creating a subtle yet far-reaching influence. This is a time to open up space for your imagination and to 'breathe' inspiration into your body.
Here are a few thoughts for preparing for your ritual:
Meditation can make life sweeter! Here are a few short meditations to move air ~ one in speaking the other in breathing:
BODY MEDITATION ~ this only takes a few minutes but is very enlightening:
With practice ~ this exercise will help you to discriminate your body’s wisdom and teach you to follow your truth.
BREATHING ~ Match your inhales and exhales.
This is a simple and lovely exercise to bring you in back into your body and connect.
May these sweet meditations show you the journey, carry your dreams forward.
New Moon Wishes to each you,
Moon Mama