Leo ~ courage, strength, and heart
Sun ~ energizing, empowering, and warmth
These are the words that I want to connect with under this New Moon in Leo. Leo, ruled by the Sun, is a masculine, fire sign. When it comes to our bodies, Leo rules the heart, upper back and spine. This is the time to harness these energies and fill our hearts. Lets empower ourselves and take in some self-love.
If you haven’t noticed I love New Moons! I think of them as a four-day ritual that include:
- Bathing under the Balsamic Moon to release and connect to that which surfaces in my body (starting three days or 72 hours prior to the new moon);
- Planting my seeds under the Dark Moon through ritual (July 23rd, 2:45 am PST, 5:45 am EST); and
- Beginning my two-week journey of nurturing those seeds to fruition under the New Crescent Moon (July 24th).
I always find strength and beauty in connecting with these new beginnings and rituals.
For this New Moon in Leo, I want to share a few simple self-care rituals, to shift you into that habit of loving you first! This is the most healing practice we can give ourselves, our loved ones, mother earth ~ EVERYONE!
Below are several simple self-care rituals to help you move forward in yourself over the next few weeks. I suggest picking one and sticking to it for the next two weeks and then notice how it impacts you and your life, but feel free to choose more than one:
- Tell someone you love, your partner, your child, your friend, your colleague, something you love about them daily (I love your sense of humor, I love your smile, I love when you cuddle with me on the couch. It can be someone new everyday). This may seem like something small, but I guarantee you that when we make someone else feel good, we feel twice as good!
- Several times a day stop and breathe ~ a minimum of five times. Notice how often you find that you are not breathing and how good it feels to connect to your breath.
- Write down 5-10 things that you like about yourself ~ you can do it! Then each day pick one point to read and internalize. You may have a memory of a time that made you feel proud about yourself on that specific point ~ use it, memory is a powerful healing tool.
- If you are feeling low energy, low vibration, do one thing that brings your vibration UP ~ dance; sing; laugh (watch a show that makes your laugh or call someone who makes you laugh); go out in nature; talk a walk and smile at a stranger; put on your favorite music, listen to a good book! DO IT! Feel the shift.
- Get in the kitchen and make your own food! Simple, healthy meals ~ they do not have to be fancy or elaborate, just make them nutrient dense. I was gifted a night with speaker, Hilary Boynton, and when asked to share her top three steps to better health her top pick was to get back in the kitchen and cook your own food. I love this.
- Take 5 minutes every day to meditate. I am loose with the word meditate, it could mean read your favorite book, sit quietly and listen to the birds sing, stretch, chant, write, something that calms your mind/body. Do it first thing in the morning, before starting your day.
Take an afternoon nap ~ even for 20 minutes. You will be surprised how it can support you in being more focused, clear and happy! These summer days are perfect for falling into a nap under the warm summer breezes.
You may find that one ritual speaks more loudly to you, as it will also nurture the intention you plant under the New Moon. Colors to use for your altar under this new moon are royal purples, royal blues and orange; gemstones are amber, peridot, citrine or pyrite, the scent of jasmine can connect you to your heart intention; and sunflowers can remind you to stand tall in yourself! Write your intention and place it on your altar or in a vessel or tape it to your mirror so that you can see it daily.
New Moon Wishes,
Moon Mama
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July 22, 2017
Thank you! I really Love these ideas! So very much! I do 10 New Moon Wishes each New Moon, as suggested in New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller. I will add a lot of these listed to my practice!