Hello lovelies! Welcome to the Gemstone Organic Blog. We are here to share our insight on skincare, holistic living, and beyond.

New Moon in Gemini ~ BE the Honey Bee

Yes, the New Moon in Gemini is tomorrow, June 3rd at 3:02 am PST (6:02 am EST). Gemini's have been described as honey bees moving from flower to flower collecting all the information they can in the world in order to make sense of their purpose. Gemini is an air sign ruled by the planet Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication.

The honey bee is a symbol of extracting the sweetness of life. They share with us the promise that is we but pursue our dreams, no matter how great, they can be fulfilled.

Air signs teach us to find a way through ~ as the wind ~ by penetrating and creating a subtle yet far-reaching influence. This is a time to open up space for your imagination and to 'breathe' inspiration into your body.

Here are a few thoughts for preparing for your ritual:

  • When creating your altar and sacred space use a feather to fan the smoke ('air') from incense, palo santo or sage, over your altar, space and yourself. Or use a flute or horn (something that takes air to create the music) for cleansing your space.
  • Colors to use are yellows, blues or silver.
  • You can also add fragrant flowers or an essential oil to bring scent into the air.
  • Air is associated with iron and copper, so it would be good to wear these jewelry items or place them on your altar.

Meditation can make life sweeter! Here are a few short meditations to move air ~ one in speaking the other in breathing:

BODY MEDITATION ~ this only takes a few minutes but is very enlightening:

  • Sit down and tell yourself a truth out loud, such as I love to paint. Go inward and notice how your body feels when you tell yourself a truth.
  • Get up and do something around the house for just one minute ~ no more.
  • Sit down again and say to yourself out loud, I hate to paint. Notice how your body responds to this message ~ something happens in your body when you tell yourself a lie ~ get to know that response.

With practice ~ this exercise will help you to discriminate your body’s wisdom and teach you to follow your truth.

BREATHING Match your inhales and exhales.

  • Take in a breath ~ a normal, comfortable breath. As you do this count how long it takes you, it may be to the count of 3, 4 or 5. Then exhale for the same count. Do this for 1 minute or up to 3 minutes. Setting a timer is a good idea so that you can stay focused on your breathing. When you are done notice how you feel in your body.

This is a simple and lovely exercise to bring you in back into your body and connect.

May these sweet meditations show you the journey, carry your dreams forward.

New Moon Wishes to each you,
Moon Mama

June 02, 2019


Full Moon In Scorpio ~ Spiral of Life

photo by Sharon Cummings

We enter a Full Moon in Scorpio this evening at 5:11 pm PST (2:11 pm EST). I am always one to fall deep into the preparation for a Scorpio Moon and find that it is a few days before this particular Moon that I can truly find what I need to release. Scorpio is a sign that delves deeply into the emotional waters and this Moon is full of feminine energy as Pat Liles writes:

Our Scorpio Full Moon is heavy with feminine energy in the earth and water elements.  Let the penetrating, sensual wisdom energy of this moon-gift transform, regenerate and heal every part of your life and when satiated, radiate it out for the whole world to benefit.  Come together with your circle of intimates and partake of the rich feminine influences and walk in nature to ground and receive the blessings of the invisible world. 

I have been preparing for a Full Moon Ceremony tonight and what came forward for me this Full Moon is the Nautilus. The Nautilus brings messages from the depths of the oceans connecting us to our ancient wisdom and knowledge. She is a living fossil that has survived the earth’s oceans for over 500 million years! As the Nautilus grows it continues to stay connected to its central point. This is a beautiful reminder that as we grow and evolve we become more centered and move back to our center ~ your experiences lead to wisdom. This beautiful Cephalopod also teaches us to grab opportunities as they come our way and her medicine will guide you to connect to your intuition and let go of past emotions that do not serve you.. The nautilus shell is a perfect spiral and reflects the order of the universe connecting us to our ancient wisdom and knowledge.

I offer you a simple yet beautiful way to work with tonights Full Moon in Scorpio and the Nautilus ~ work with her today, tonight, or tomorrow.

  1. Below are two Nautilus Mandala’s ~ choose one and print it out.


  1. Tune into the energy and wisdom of the Nautilus. Let her help you to unfold life mysteries to you. Connect to your ancient wisdom.
  2. Grab colored pencils, crayons or markers to color your mandala.
  3. Choose a number between 1 and 10.
  4. Look below to see the word and energy connected to your number.
  5. While coloring your mandala use the colors, the energy of the nautilus and the energy of this Full Moon in Scorpio to release what you need around the word you are working with. 

    For example ~ if you are working with the word resentment ~ think of all the ways you hold on to resentment and how you can learn to release it, or bring to mind what/who you are holding resentment for and laugh at how much time/energy you have spent on holding that resentment…use the mandala to create new space around the released energy and fill it with thoughts that bring you joy or happiness as you color. 

  6. Once you have finished the coloring the mandala write down three words that you want to carry forward that came to you while coloring. For example it could be …release, joy, centeredness.
  7. Place the mandala somewhere you will see DAILY for the next two weeks. Use it to discover the intention you will place under the New Moon in Gemini on May 25th.

Take it where it wants to go and ~ enjoy.  And don't forget to put your Full Moon Water out gems!

Wishing you the Moon & the Stars,

Words to work with on releasing

  1. Resentment
  2. Jealousy
  3. Revenge
  4. Vendettas
  5. Betrayals
  6. Blocks to transformation
  7. Destructive relationships
  8. Unhealthy joint financial situations
  9. Obstacles to having a healthy sex life
  10. Resistance to changing paradigms
May 18, 2019


New Cazimi Moon in Taurus ~ Grounding Your Energies in the Soil


Tomorrow at 3:45 pm PST (6:45 pm EST) we have a New Cazimi Moon in Taurus. Taurus is a feminine, fixed, earth sign ruled by Venus. She rules the thyroid, throat, lower jaw, chin, ears, tongue and vocal chords ~ hello Visuddha (fifth) chakra!

Cazimi Moons hold a high energy 30 minutes before and after the New Moon (3:15 - 4:15 pm PST)~ this one holds wonderful energy for starting important projects and intention setting. 

When the Moon is in Taurus we may find a need to slow our pace, eat a good meal, listen to music that feeds our soul, or appreciate the beauty of the season. I find that this earth energy calls me to put my hands in the dirt ~ a lovely way to plant your seed(s) of intention. 

Earth energy gives us the grounding to connect to that space at our center where we can open and listen to our inner wisdom. It is the place where the very present truth vibrates through us like the sound of the drumbeat. Inner truth and trust are like two sides of the drum … when you are present to the space at your center you connect to trust.

Remember, earth is connected to heaven ~ she receives the warmth of the sun, the rain that falls from the clouds, and holds the rich soil that seeds need to grow from. She can hold your intention and give it form and sustain its growth. She is ready to lend you her strength.

Connecting with your sacred space while planting your seeds of intention creates a connection of heaven and earth within you. 

Under this Earthy Moon and these warming spring days ~ let us plant a Moon Garden! Planting a Moon Garden is a lovely way to connect to the energy, cycles and beauty of the Moon. And if you love to garden it is a way to nurture both you and mother earth.

Planting & Designing Your Moon Garden 

Under the heightened energies of the New and Full Moons we experience our highest tides ~ but did you know that it is a time when the waters beneath the earth are also affected? The same gravitational pull that is placed on the waters of the ocean also pull the ground water upward bringing moisture to the soils at the surface, encouraging your seeds to swell and burst into sprouts!

You can plant your flowers in a circle or a half moon shape so that when they bloom the shape of the Moon is revealed. Find space in your garden, start some seedlings indoors, or plan your garden for the next New Moon. Whatever you do, it will carry the energy and intentions of your heart ~ so don’t wait, start today <3.

Planting a garden of white and silvery flowers that bloom at night can add a radiant, shimmering energy to your evening rituals. Here are a few flowers I love.

These Flowers are Fragrant and if you can place them 
close to your home you can also enjoy their evening fragrance.

Evening Primrose ~ photo by basicgardendiy

Evening Primrose (oenothera) ~ a night bloomer that attracts moths and nocturnal bee’s. The flowers are said to be from the ethereal realm of fairies and have a sweet fragrance that can be enjoyed during the moonlight hours. The symbolism of primrose flowers is patience, kindness and gentleness ~ connecting you to the solar plexus and heart chakra.

Moonflower ~ photo by better homes & garden

Moonflower (datura inoxia) ~ catching her unawares in the moonlight hours is magical, as you can be sure to experience the full glory of her blooms; the night air swirling with her rich, intoxicating scent. Glowing like the moon these flowers contain the mysteries of your intuition and connect you with the mystical movement of the stars and moon. She will connect you to your crown chakra. 
Note: these flowers are cousins to morning glories so they will need a trellis or support to climb

Night Phlox ~ photo by suttons.co.uk

Night Phlox (zaluzianskya capensis) ~ also known as midnight candy; the fragrance of the night blooms are reminiscent of honey or vanilla. Coming from the greek meaning “flame” these beauties will also connect you to your crown chakra AND are known to stir inner courage and honesty to all that look upon them.

Night Gladiolus ~ photo by lawneq

Night Gladiolus (gladiolus tristis)~ although night gladiolus are not a nocturnal plant ~ these creamy yellow, spicy scented flowers have the strongest scent at night. These flowers symbolize strength and moral integrity. 

A second way to plant a Moon Garden is to bring the
Moon out during the day by planting these sweet plants

Dusty Miller ~ photo by rainbow seed company

Dusty Miller (senecio cineraria) beautiful silvery, velvety soft plant that is wonderful for contrasting dark foliage and is also a great bed plant ~ represents happiness and delicacy. 

Mugwort ~ photo by herbco.com

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) this plant is not only connected to the Moon but is also known for enhancing your dreams.

A few other day plants for you to consider are Lambs Ears, Silver Thyme, and Silver Sage.

And I could not leave out this most auspicious herb!

Moonwort photo by ebps.uk

Moonwort (lunaria annua) ~ in the language of flowers this plant represents money, sincerity & honesty. It has dried pods that are beautiful and can be used later in ceremony. However, please note that this is a biannual plant ~ meaning it lives two years and will flower in the second year. It's flowers will be followed by a dollar coin sized flat pod that changes from green to brown and then as the seed drops, to the beautiful silver color… so planting these for the first two years will ensure flowering each year.

Ways that you can use your flowers after they have blossomed under the energy of the moon are many! You can cut and dry the flowers to use in creating mandalas or art work or add them to your sage bundle; pluck the flowers at the height of their bloom and place them in a bath to catch their healing energy. I encourage you to explore the myriad of possibilities in which their energy speaks to your creativity.

The beauty of flowers has been shared throughout time as a way to evoke feelings and thoughts that are sometimes difficult to find words for ~ using this time to place your intentions can bring you grounding, joy, and keep it flowing throughout the summer. If you want to add some additional Taurus love to this garden, add a few pieces of rose quartz, jade or agate!

A few thoughts to consider while you are planting or planing ~ 

Where do you place your trust?
How do you slow down best?
What is important to start under this New Moon energy?
Where are you feeling this earth energy in your body?

And please share your experiences, I would love to hear what heart openings your garden has to offer you.

Sending you New Moon Love,
Moon Mama

May 03, 2019


Full Moon in Libra ~ Rising, Releasing, Remembering

Tomorrow morning we have a Full Moon in Libra at 4:12 am PDT (7:12 am EST) ~ this is our second Full Moon in Libra this year and one that can support you in trying again! When the Moon is on the cusp (29 degrees) it can yield a strong energy to the sign in which it is residing. A Pink Moon in Libra warms our hearts and increases our need to be near and around beauty ~ and doesn’t mother earth provide us with that option at this time of year in an explosive way! 

Libra is a masculine, cardinal, air sign. He adores balance and harmony and is ruled by Venus ~ planet of love (interesting female and male energies at work here).

Full Moons can stir up energy that wants to be completed. Around 60 hours prior to a full moon we can find that stirring rise up in us ~ do you have any remembrance(s) of how you felt on Tuesday evening (~4:12 pm PDT or 7:12 pm EDT)? Or maybe this energy is up in you now? However this Moon feels to you, it can guide and teach you, and remember, my words here are just that, words. How you feel, how you respond to her light and fullness, are completely yours and unique and beautiful. For me, there are even times I find the Moon under her Gibbous energy a bigger shift than even the Full Moon energies…and sometimes I find the beautiful star nation speaks to me on a deeper level and I miss them under the Full Moons light….but more on that later.

Yet, do not get me wrong ~ I LOVE my Moon time. I move my bed around or sleep at the opposite end just to get her light to shine on my dreams and me at night! I talk with her and find her comforting at all phases ~ but for now, lets think about a way to use this lovely light to move into the realm of completion ~ one small or big task is perfect!

So here is a lovely and simple ritual to guide your energies ~ 

  • STEP 1: This beautiful air sign is doubled love for bringing something to completion, meaning you are loved and in a love bubble! Is there a relationship that you love ~ yet maybe is not the one that brings you the outcome you want? It could be a relationship with a part of you too? Is there a project that needs completion? A dream that wants to be brought to completion? Anything goes here and if it can represent, balance or harmony or love ~ that is even more powerful! I guess if I really look at my own words ~ that pretty much covers everything! Lets build a bridge to completion.
  • STEP 2: Find a picture or write a sentence or speak your thoughts on how to bring this relationship or dream or project to completion. For example if you have a fear of not finishing a project, find a picture of someone crossing a finish line or celebrating the success of a project completed etc! Or if you have a dream of getting a new car, find the picture of the car you want ~ make if specific, color, model, year!!
  • STEP 3: Place the picture or sentence or words into a little ‘god box’ as my sister calls them! I have one that a dear friend gifted me, but it can be anything that holds love or beauty to the eye ~ it could even be a cloth that you wrap it in.
  • STEP 4: Create an altar or mesa in a place where it will catch the moon light. I place mine outside in the early evening. Use things that represent love to you ~ they can be ANYTHING. I have created one that I am sharing below. I have my two favorite statues from Africa, one that reminds me that I am constantly pregnant with ideas and creative juices to fill my world and heart; the second that reminds me that I hold both the masculine and feminine; the masai necklace reminds me that I am part of and come from all continents; my two sweet little round containers hold special tools I use in ceremony (which I love more than anything!); the beautiful turquoise box is the one my dear friend hand-crafted for me that I place my dreams into daily, weekly or monthly ~ I love to open the box, whisper my words of love into the box, and then gently and lovingly close the top; the paper heart on the top is made by my magical grandsons, Isaac & Theo, and who can't benefit from the love of the pure child; the eagle feather is a gift from a dear cousin, and reminds me that we all hold the spirit of air to soar; and finally, my beloved gemstones ~ these are the ones that speak to me today and I love that my cowrie shells called to me as they are a feminine sign for fertility. Create your altar and add things as they call you ~ sometimes these special calls come late in the day or just as I roll into bed! Making it is the most endearing and loving gesture you can give yourself.




  • STEP 5: Fill a container with water and if you choose add a crystal ~ remember the rules on gemstones that are safe in water. Use a container that can hold enough water to supply you with a small drink daily over the next two weeks. This week I am only using water, as my gemstones will gather the energy I am calling for and I will carry them, wear them, and use them in other drinks over these two weeks along with the moon water.
  • STEP 6: As you place your water and altar out under the moonlight, call on the energy of snake, the medicine that teaches us that we are all universal beings. Let her kundalini energy rise up to the mental plane of your body ~ the plane of intellect, power, charisma and leadership and then to your spiritual plane where it becomes wisdom, connection, wholeness and understanding ~ and then when there release your thoughts on whatever you want to bring to completion and watch it move out into the world and beyond you ~ let the winds of time take it where it needs to go and take a deep breath and smile beautiful one. It is now released.
  • STEP 7: Take this beauty to sleep with you and if you can catch her light as much as possible ~ maybe even sleep outside! 

This ceremony is something I will also be doing tonight and so let us love and release together my dear moon family. I have been slow in communicating these last months and want you to know that I have many things stirring ~ some are big for me and some are big for us! So please know that in my silence I am still working with you on a level of love that I hope is palpable and full of juicy sweetness. 

A reminder: the square of Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces shares infinite possibilities with you ~ grab these positive, loving energies and create your dreams and your life and your loves. Life is a crazy ride and we all have our ups and downs and that is what keeps us beautiful inside and out ~ yet, some days we must find the beauty in every thing ~ because it is what reminds us that we indeed can find infinite possibilities everywhere.

Remember, each day the world is born anew, we arise in newness, and each moment is a new beginning.


Full Moon Love & Blessings,
Moon Mama

April 18, 2019

1 comment

Amethyst ~ journey to the stars and back

Have you ever wondered what the power of crystals can do for your skin?  Well here is one purple powder and gemstone that can make some magic happen in your life! 

Amethyst is a crystal that many know for it’s decorative beauty, and healing presence in the home ~ but few know its healing skin benefits. Amethyst is a part of the quartz family and is right up there with Rose Quartz on the beauty spectrum. I use this gem powder in my Mineral Masque, and gemstone in my Lavender Gem Juice, and when creating my Gemstone Essence (which I will talk more about next week), because it has so many wonderful skin benefits; both externally and internally this gemstone will rock your world! 

There are two reasons we need to soak up the sunshine ~ Far Infrared rays and Vitamin D.  We need both of these to feel healthy and vibrant. This is one of the reasons that we have a skin deep connection to Amethyst. Our bodies radiate FIR energy through the skin ~ have you ever wondered why hands on healing feels so magical?

Amethyst creates magnetic fields that are small but detectable; it also has the ability to absorb and reflect Far-Infrared Rays (FIR). Our own bodies radiate FIR energy through the skin and the levels we carry fluctuate: when it is high we feel healthy and vibrant, and when it’s low our energy wanes/drops. This is why it is so essential to get our healthy doses of sunshine and Amethyst; it makes you feel good.  

When using Amethyst, her naturally-occurring magnetic fields interact with your body’s electromagnetic field. Some might call this combo no less than a match made in heaven; Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, and yet, these magic rays are capable of penetrating deep into the body to heal and aid in many ways.

Here are several ways Amethyst supports the healing process for your skin ~ 

  • Increase Circulation ~ the magic FIR rays emitted by Amethyst powders gently raise the surface temperature of the skin to aid in her healing process.  This heat helps your capillaries to expand and promotes good blood circulation.  Increased blood circulation nourishes the skin cells with oxygen and nutrients to keep your cells healthy and vital and by carrying away waste products, like free radicals.
  • Cell Repair & Wound healing ~ as mentioned above, FIR improves your blood flow and increases your skin temperature ~ FIR also adds another healing component by stimulating a group of cells called fibroblasts to make more collagen which is very important in wound healing and tissue repair.
  • Detoxifying ~ Amethyst crystals carry a negative charge ~ toxins, free radicals and other hazardous waste carry a positive charge.  This is important in the removal of toxins and free radicals. The negative ions draw out the positively charged particles to detoxify and cleanse your skin ~ giving your skin a clean, refreshed feel.

  • Anti-Bacterial Support~ far-infrared rays have been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria.
  • Sleeping Aid ~ Amethyst emits anions, which can aid in helping you sleep.  The low level of FIR heat Amethyst emits can support a better night sleep ~ and we all know how important our sleep is to our health and wellness!

And just a little note on the side ~ when your bodies FIR levels are high, you can be a transmitter of these healing waves to your partner or your pet ~ so cuddle up gems!

This powerfully protective and comforting gemstone should not only be a part of your beauty routine, but also your daily life.

So slather up and get a dose of this precious powder and gem essence. Pretty soon you’ll be thinking good thoughts, glowing from inside out, and, who knows...taking off for the stars may be in your near future .... the magic is real, don’t be afraid to get swept up in it.

Big Love,
Moon Mama



April 14, 2019


Full Moon in Gemini Ritual ~ Letting go, creating vision, and listening


photo taken from MYSTIC MAMMA

Full Moon in Gemini ~ 4:05 PM (PST) ~ 5:05 PM (MST) ~ 7:05 PM (EST) ~ 12:05 AM (GMT)

The last Full Moon of the year is quickly approaching. Take advantage of this Full Moon in Gemini to create and clarify your visions and end the year with gratitude. The Full Moon in Gemini touches on themes of communication; reading, learning, writing, understanding, errands, and making connections.

These themes are deeply tied to listening to yourself and others. Gemini, the symbol of yin and yang, calls to us to bring up the notions we have in our own mind versus what we truly want to see happen. Focus on your own journey and create clarity around your goals while remaining open to what the Universe may have in store for you. What has your input and output been in the last year? This Full Moon is asking us to listen so that we can properly dissect information given to us and created by us; separating fact from fiction, our beliefs from what is true.

Use this Full Moon to deepen your growth in one of the most important pillars of life, communication. Some fitting Gemstone Organic tools to continue this process of deepening your communication are our Throat Chakra Ceremonial Bath to guide you further in listening to others (and yourself), speaking your truth, and expressing your most authentic self, the Moonstone Face Créme to balance your power of yin and yang and your keep your skin radiant throughout the bitter winter, and our Lavender Gem Juice Hydrosol to heal your skin while giving both mind and body clarity and focus.

The optimal time for ceremony would be one hour before or after the Full Moon rises. Below, I have written several rituals to perform altogether or if you choose to just do one or two to take full advantage of the Full Moon’s energy. As always, do what feels right or is calling to you. Feel free to put your own spin on the practices and tailor them according to your current needs, desires, and energy. Begin with a small 10 or 15 minute meditation or yoga practice to bring your body and mind into the present moment.

  1. Full Moon Water - Put out some glass water jars or bottles tonight. Set an intention to them, speaking it would be optimal for this Full Moon. For example, you can write the words gratitude or understanding, speak those words to the bottles, and leave the water under the moonlight. For added benefits, you can add a gemstone like Amethyst or Crystal Quartz. Click here for more info on a Full Moon Water Ritual.
  2. Write - Find a quiet space for you to write. Begin by lighting a candle or two and placing some of your favorite crystals, like Aquamarine and Kyanite, along with other healing tools near you. On a piece of paper or in your journal make two columns, in the left column, write all the conflicting notions that come about in your mind and contradict what your deepest desires are. In the right column write “my truth” at the top and list what feels true in your heart and for your life. For example, in the left column you might write a thought you have that blocks you from receiving and in the right column, “I am deserving of anything I want and abundance flows freely to me.”
  3. Bath - Take a relaxing bath under the light of the Full Moon and use your voice by singing or reading aloud to ignite your power of voice. Use some bath salts and healing essential oils like lavender, peppermint, or chamomile to heighten the effects. Read the tools in our Throat Chakra Ceremonial Bath to re-create this ritual as you wish.
  4. Tarot Cards - Use the Full Moon to guide you further during a Tarot Card Ceremony as she deals symbols for you to ponder and work with for the closing of this year. Give the gift of Tarot reading with our Mystic Holiday Gift Set featuring The Wild Unknown Deck + Guidebook.

At the close of your ceremony, cut your paper in half. Take the left column and burn it in a bowl with your candle, speak the words, “I consciously let this go and so it goes.” After the paper has burned wash your hands while repeating the phrase aloud. Feel free to express yourself  afterwards in whatever way you wish, more meditation, writing, or simply just doing whatever feels right to you. You have completed your Full Moon in Gemini Ritual, thank yourself for creating space and time for you.

Wishing you the Moon + Stars,



March 19, 2019


Spring Forward! Awakening the Spirit


 spring forward

Spring is a perfect season to tap into our creative juices! Nature calls us in all of her beautiful sprouting and flowering to open up to our creativity. This weekend we celebrate the Spring equinox - a day of equal amounts of light and dark… it is a time to reconnect to our inspired creations and carry them forward into the days ahead.

Spring gives us the opportunity to capture new energy, in sight, smell and touch. The air warms and as we begin to plant our garden seeds the smell and touch of the earth brings forth a surge of energy and heightens our sense of smell. The budding trees and flowers that burst from the earth and branches fill us with renewed hope and love. We see Nature at her best with her rhythms in her intuitive harmony. Seasons are here for us to learn from and follow. Spring is the magical time of the blending of fire and water, Pisces & Aries, nature’s alchemical process that brings new beginnings and plants seeds to be released in the summer.

As the wheel turns through the seasons it nudges us to remember the importance of ceremony, ritual and celebration. Many gather for the Spring Equinox,balance of light and dark, and Easter (rebirth, fertility).

Here are a few ways you can celebrate:

  1. Gather with your sister(s) and share food, dreams and visions. After sharing your food, sit in circle and pass around a talking stick, stone or bowl filled with rice, sand or salt. Each person who holds the talking piece speaks and shares and once they are done they give thanks and pass the talking piece to their sister to the right or left. It is a powerful ceremony and can put one in touch with things they did not know they were carrying!
  2. Go out in nature - take a walk, plant a garden, or just sit on the earth in your yard to connect with Mother Earth and her spring
  3. Create a mandala. Gather things over the next few days, possibly when you go for a walk pick up things that call you, seeds that have fallen to the earth, flowers, twigs etc. or anything from your home, beads, string, beans, spices etc. Gather colored pencils, watercolors or other art supplies. Using paper or an art board, gather up your items, grab some glue and create a mandala that will stir you or remind you of the creativity that you are tapping into and working with on a daily basis. Mandalas are magical, healing & so beautiful to look at and make.

  4. Take an art class, a writing class, or go to an inspirational talk on something you love!
  5. Set an intention for a change you would like to accomplish by the Summer Solstice. Write it down and place it in a safe place to revisit monthly or at the Summer Solstice - the power of intention is big!
  6. Start a cleanse - this is a great time to cleanse internally for clarity and fresh perspectives on your intentions. There are many great cleanses out there!

Rituals bring balance to our lives and can be done alone or with others.   They remind us of our heart intentions and help up us stay connected to our true sacred selves.   Let this be a season where you clean out any old stuck thought patterns and make intentional room for your desires!

Spring blessings,

What are some of your favorite spring rituals?

    March 19, 2019

    1 comment

    Moon Magic + Solar Power

    moon magic solar eclipse

    Dear Moon Sisters,

    Today we celebrate Women’s International Day, a New Moon in Pisces and a Full Solar Eclipse - magic waiting to be released! Women’s International Day is a day for remembering how linking arms globally can bring change, hope and courage in revolutionary ways. It is a day to remember all of those who have paved the way for us, as leaders, mothers, and sisters - we learn from each other. New Moons represent new beginnings and partnered with a Solar Eclipse bring us starts to new chapters’ with increased speed and momentum.

    March is a big month. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac year. Pisces reminds us to be connected to our compassionate heart. Like the goddesses before us, Isis, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Guadalupe, we can hold our weariness and turn it into compassionate love for ourselves, our loved ones, and our global family. It is also the month of the Spring Equinox, a time for rebirthing; and she holds a Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse. We are called to action!

    New Moons are a great time to set intentions for the month, as Grandmother Moon is in her darkest phase ~ think of it as you would the planting of seeds in the fertile ground. Take a moment to be quiet today, to journal, to feel your connectedness to your beauty. Let yourself be reminded of that beauty by all the beauty that you are surrounded by daily. See it, look for it, feel it.  As you move through the month remember to keep your intentions watered and nurtured and they will come to fruition - some faster than others. 

    Holding to the truth of who we are, our gifts, our talents, our authenticity cannot fail us.  No one can take away the essence of who we are. We are all connected and we experience this connectedness in many ways, one may be through the phenomenon of the ‘Six Degrees of Separation’. One experience of this for me was when I was living in Africa. I was working for Habitat for Humanity and leading a group of volunteers from the US in building homes. One of the volunteers had gone to college with my father and actually roomed with my Uncle - how amazing to meet someone on the other side of the world and be so connected!

    I love the magic of women in circles, in gatherings, in linking arms to bring change and beauty to the world. We are here to nurture, to heal, and to bring forth new life in whatever capacity that may be. I write this short blog to bring your attention to new beginnings, to spark you into remembering that the time is now and that we have three beautiful reminders today to energize us forward in our selves, our lives, and our dreams.

    Let us dream together for as you dream you empower my dreams, as you move forward in courage, I am strengthened to move forward in courage. Let us bring our magic to all those we touch and love - including ourselves. You inspire me with your presence here. 

    Wishing you the Moon & the Stars,
    Moon Mama


    March 19, 2019


    New Moon In Cancer ~ Water Blessing Ceremony


    Tomorrow, June 23rd,  at 7:31 pm PST (10:31 EST) the Moon will move into her darkness under the sign of Cancer. I like to call this Moon the Dark Moon. This is the day that the Moon rises with the Sun and is too close to the sun’s glare to be visible with the eye. This Cancer Moon is here to guide you into feeling your potential and helping you to re-orient yourself to your highest work and purpose. Time to plant your seeds of intention under her Dark Moon energy.

    Cancer, a water sign, is ruled by Grandmother Moon. Moon in Cancer reconnects us with our oceans of emotions and so we may find ourselves feeling more deeply or with a heightened sensitivity. Cancer is the sign of the archetypal mother, our own mothers as well as the Great Mother Earth. Under this Dark Moon in Cancer we can also find many other planets positioned in water signs: Chiron (Pisces), Mercury (Cancer), Mars (Cancer) and Neptune (Pisces) ~ making water very prominent and deeply felt under this Moon.

    This is a time to remember that water is medicine.

    Water is about movement, flow, and change. She is our most vital life resource, a cleanser, and a way to release into and give blessings under this Cancer Moon.

    The water element is related to the heart, to our connection with others, which is why it is so important to be alert to her condition around the world. As we allow her to be mistreated and filled with toxins ~ we will find that our own hearts will feel the same mistreatment and become filled with troubles and harm. 

    I believe this new moon is the perfect time for a water blessing ceremony ~ to help heal you, the water and the world. In fact I dedicate EVERYDAY from today a day for a water blessing ceremony!

    I have designed this ceremony around the Sacred Geometry of the water element, the Icosahedron (this geometry corresponds to the Sacral Chakra so working with this Chakra is also healing under this Moon). The Icosahedron enhances your creative thought process and can help to move and eliminate emotional blocks to give your creativity the openness ‘to go with the flow’ to move you through challenging and/or exciting changes. 

    Combining sacred geometry with crystals gives the water additional healing properties. I recommend using Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz, as they are safe to place inside and outside the water; and contain amazing energies. Quartz provides clarity in thinking; the Rose Quartz brings in a positive, gentle love; and Amethyst is the teacher of all things spiritual and healing to body, mind and soul.

    Your Water Blessing Ceremony:

    1. Gather a clear glass, bowl or vase for your water and crystals;
    2. Print out the picture of the Icosahedron below:

      You may need to change the size to fit the bottom of your vessel depending on what you have to work with.
    3. Place your paper in a windowsill or somewhere where it will catch the longest amount of the dark moon energy and then place your vessel on top of the image so that the bottom fits over the entire image.
    4. Pour water into the vessel
    5. Clean your crystals and then place them inside your vessel (for those of you who have saved the crystals from the Gem Juices ~ they are the perfect size!) and arrange them onto the numbered points on the Icosahedron as shown below (I used a bamboo skewer to move the crystals into place). You can use larger or smaller crystals, just be sure to place them on each of the numbered points:

    6. You can also place the crystals directly onto the paper and then place the jar onto the crystals (as shown below).  If you are using crystals other than the Rose Quartz, Amethyst or Clear Quartz, you may want to use this method.

    7. Now you are ready to bless the water. Take a few moments to connect to your breath and then say your blessing into the water. Remember water is prana and so you are just reminding her of her power and beauty! 
    Here are a few blessing for you to choose from ~ but I encourage you to use your own words as you may want to weave your intention into the blessing ~

    Here is an Angel Blessing:
    Think of a joyful, loving thought. Then bless the water and ask that it nourish your soul and heal your body, the earth and all that lives on and within her.

    Or you can use the Hawaian Huna Ho’oponopono blessing:
    I am sorry, I forgive you, thank you, I love you.

    In the morning of the Crescent Moon, June 24th, before eating or drinking anything else ~ bless the water and then take a sip. Feel your own healing powers as she moves into your system....this is your water to seed and bless your intention, use it daily. You can bless yourself with your intention by placing drops under your tongue, drinking it, or placing the drops on your body. You may not see or feel it right away, be patient, it may take a few days before you will notice something.

    Use this water through out the next few weeks to change the vibration of the water you drink and cook with. Just place a few drops of your blessed water into your water jug or cooking pan. A few drops is enough to change the vibration of the other water and don’t forget to bless it at the same time! When we take on the act of blessing our water and sharing it with our bodies and larger bodies of water we become a force of healing ~ near and far.

    Water is the greatest of all substances and is closely connected to the feminine and our intuition. The great flow of life is in water and that is the beauty and power of water blessings. We cannot change things outside of ourselves, because everything is coming from within. When we go inside and take responsibility for how we are feeling it has a direct effect on the planet. The ocean is made up of drops and we are each one of those precious drops ~ so let us start here one drop at a time….

    Bless your water ~ bless the world,
    Moon Mama

    March 19, 2019

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    Full Moon in Sagittarius ~ A Fire Ceremony

    Friday, June 9th @ 6:09 am (PST), 7:09 (MST), 8:09 (CST), 9:09 (EST) 

    Tomorrow the Moon is Full in Sagittarius. This June Moon was called the Strawberry Moon by the Algonquin tribe as it was the time of year to gather the ripening fruit.  And is also known as the Full Rose or Honey Moon in Europe. I love these names for the June Moon ~ they match with all the love happening. It is no wonder weddings are at a high this time of year! And to add to the mix, this Full Moon's orbit is farthest from the earth and is called an "apogee" or Mini Moon. As it rises low in the sky it gives the moon its amber/rose color ~ hence giving it the name Rose/Honey Moon.

    Sagittarius is a masculine, fire sign and is the archetype for wisdom, truth and understanding ~ energy for the journey. Full Moons mark a time of completion and bringing projects to a close, however, with the Moon falling close to Saturn retrograde it may suggest slowdowns. Yet, Saturn also gifts us with the traits of patience and persistence, so using these tools, we can keep ourselves steady and our projects successful.

    Ahhh but there is always more right? Within an hour of the Full Moon, Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) turns direct nudging our hopes and dreams out of hiding and inspiring us to share them with the world.

    I find this Full Moon in Sagittarius a perfect opportunity for helping us call on the light of consciousness within ourselves to work with our dreams and imagination in expanding our visions. This is a time to unleash our truths, to help us to discover what has deeper meaning for us, and guide us into the energies of the Wheel of the Year turning with the Summer Solstice.

    A few days before the Full Moon, you may notice that what you are ready to release is coming up for you. Before I share this beautiful fire ceremony by Lori-Lyn Hurley, I want to share a few thoughts for your altar. Gemstones you may want to connect with are Turquoise, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli or Ruby. Magnolia is a fragrance to explore your expanded beauty. And here are a few questions to contemplate over the next few days:

    • What awareness does this Full Moon bring to you?
    • Where are you feeling her in your body today, tomorrow, Saturday?
    • What are your hopes and dreams?
    • What is the spark of light that lives in your heart that is calling for awakening?
    • What are you releasing and ready to bring to completion?

    Enjoy this beautiful fire ceremony my dear Moon Family ~

    Sacred Fire Ceremony by Lori-Lyn Hurley

    This ceremony is a way of letting go utilizing the element of fire. During a fire ceremony, the flames of the fire become the focal point of your intention (the prayer) that you offer. You send the intention of what you wish to release, and what you wish to be replaced in its absence, into the sacred fire. The fire’s flame consumes your prayer and transforms it into energy that is sent to spirit. You may choose to release:
    • Issues that no longer serve you
    • old habits that no longer carry a loving charge for you
    • physical or mental habits that you are tired of or that limit you
    • fears of moving forward
    You may also choose to forgive someone or forgive yourself for something that happened in the past, release relationship entanglements or the regret of words unspoken.

    First, prepare your fire. You can build your fire in your indoor fireplace, but if at all possible, I recommend an outdoor bonfire or fire pit. Once your fire is burning, prepare a spirit stick. Simply walk around with your eyes drifting across the landscape until you see the stick that calls to you. Sit comfortably near the fire and, feeling its warmth, begin to meditate on that which you wish to release. As each issue rises, tie a scrap of yarn or ribbon around the stick to represent it. This is your spirit stick. Place it where you can see it, or hold it, and write a letter. You may choose to write a letter to spirit, or you may choose (as in the case of my friend) to write a letter to a person who has crossed over. Let your words flow onto the page. Feel your emotions. Leave nothing unexpressed. Know that everything you write in this letter will be seen, heard and understood in spirit. There is no reason to censor yourself. Write into the difficult places, the loving places. Write until you have said absolutely everything that you need to say.

    When you are finished, wrap your letter around the spirit stick and tie it with ribbon. Hold the stick in your hands to infuse it with the energy of your intention. You may also choose to blow your intention into the stick several times. Feel your heart releasing its grip. Feel your intention moving into the spirit stick, and when you are ready, throw it on to the fire. You may choose to conduct this ceremony with others. If so, allow each person to come forward and send her stick into the fire as the others stand behind in a circle of support. The sincerity of your heart’s intention is what makes this ceremony so powerful. For that reason, you can release and transform with symbolic fire as well. Simply imagine this fire burning in your heart as you write your letter and place it next to a candle burning on your altar for release and transformation. You may also wish to conduct this ceremony with another of the earth’s elements. To release with Earth, bury your letter, marking the spot with a stone (or your spirit wand.) The all embracing Earth takes all things back into herself, transforming all energy back into the essential building blocks of life. To release with Water, the great purifier, tear your letter into tiny pieces and release it into a flowing stream. To release with Air, tear your letter into tiny pieces and scatter them in the breeze, or tear it into long strips and tie them to the branches of a tree. Remember, it is your intention and focus that is important. You can modify this ritual in any way you see fit, so that it feels good to you. When you release and allow energy to flow in your heart, you allow communion with spirit and move forward on your path. The earth and her elements assist you with love and support.

    And don’t forget to put our your Moon Water Gems ~

    Full Moon Love Your Way,

    March 19, 2019

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