We the Mavens

Walking the Spiral of the Maven

Gather, Enter, Embrace the Wisdom of Aging

March 29-31, 2019
Ojai, CA

"The more challenging our world, the more we need our elders with us to share the lessons
they have learned, to lend us their problem-solving skills, and to enhance
our lives by imparting their unique gifts."
~ Angeles Arrien


Welcome Sister Mavens!

We have created this workshop in friendship. To gather women together who are moving through the second half of life. Mavens who are called to join in circle with sisters, mentors, spiritual doyennes, to shine a light on the wisdom of aging.

We are not here to fix you, you are beautiful
We are not here to bring you prosperity, you are enough
We are here to give you a space to call forth the wisdom inside of you that wants to burst forth and be heard.

We have created this circle to encourage women to embrace their decade of life, to find aging a gift of power rather than something to push against with the need to look, or feel, or be something we are not. With each decade we carry a new journey. With each decade we grow deeper into our wisdom, that is not negotiable for any one. That is our truth.

We are calling out to women who want to create a mavenship of love for aging that can steer each of us towards our passions and deep wisdom within.

Let us shine our light Doyenne's, the world needs us, we need you!

We are two Mavens on different points of the wheel of life, with intersecting visions on the magical alchemy of aging. We are here to share our gifts with you. During this three day retreat, we will be conferring about the spiritual energy of essential oils, gemstones and foods. We will be diving deep into the wisdom of the archetypes that shape and guide us, food choices as they not only build and sustain our physical bodies, but also our subtle bodies, the five elements and the 'Eight Gates of Wisdom'.

Our weekend will be full, yet refreshing and healing. To create the self-nourishing space for this retreat, we have limited the number of women to seven.

Included in the cost is the following:

  • Housing
  • All meals
  • Chakra Balancing Treatment + Chakra Healing Bath (each participant will receive a chakra balancing treatment and bath. Your session will be scheduled prior to your arrival)
  • Ceremonial Chakra Bath by Gemstone Organic
  • Special Moon Ritual Bundle for the Spring Solstice / Dark Moon in Aries
  • Private trip to the local hot-springs
  • Candices' book, 'Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice'
  • Gift Basket: Journal with recipes and spiritual energies of the foods we will be creating and nourishing our bodies and minds with during the retreat; chakra misters by Diving Archetypes, Maven inspired body products by Gemstone Organic; love.

The schedule below is open to changes as needed:

Friday, March 29th:

12:00 - 2:30 pm ~ Arrival
2:30 - 4:30 pm ~ settle in, walks to town, quiet time
4:30 - 6:30 ~ dinner
6:30 - 7:00 ~ open
7:00 - 8:30 ~ fire + cacao ceremony + story telling
8:30 - 10:00 pm ~ chakra balancing treatment + chakra healing bath or open

Saturday, March 30th:

6:00 - 8:30 am ~ chakra balancing treatment / chakra bath or open (morning sadhna and stretching, optional)
8:30 - 11:30 am ~ breakfast/circle
11:30 am - 1:00 pm ~ chakra balancing treatment / chakra bath or open
1:00 - 3:00 pm ~ lunch/circle
3:00 - 4:30 pm ~ creating magical elixirs

4:30 - 5:00 pm ~ open
5:00 - 8:00 pm ~ hot springs + story telling
8:30 - 9:30 pm ~ dinner
10:00 - 11:00 pm ~ quiet dancing

 Sunday, March 31st

6:00 - 7:30 am ~ morning sadhna, stretching, song
7:30 - 9:00 am ~ breakfast/circle
9:00 am - 11:00 am ~ chakra balancing treatment + chakra bath or open
11:00 am - 1:00 pm ~ lunch/circle
1:00 - 2:00 pm ~ hands on healing circle
2:00 - 3:00 pm ~ open
3:00 - 5:00 pm ~ closing circle


Private Room/shared bathroom: $1333.00
Shared Room/Shared Bathroom: $999.00
Shared Rooms: 2 women per room
Shared Bathrooms: 2 full baths and one half bath are shared between 7 women.  

Detailed schedules and additional informational sheets will be sent to participants as they secure their place on the circle.

We are calling you to gather with us in ceremony, to bring the love and wisdom of aging into practice in your own life and those of others. We are here to fill you up so full that you when you leave you cannot wait to spill your joy and love and teachings out into the world and share with others.

We are building a Maven Ship ~ by gathering 
with you in ceremony to deeply practice 
and nourish our wisdom and to
encourage each woman who
enters our circle to share
her wisdom in circle
with women!

Candice Covington is the author of 'Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice: Working with the Chakras, Divine Archetypes, and the Five Great Elements'. She is the founder and formulator of Divine Archetypes, a high vibration, aromatherapy company, focusing on the energetic and spiritual aspects of plants. Candice is also a certified aromatherapist, a massage therapist and healing arts master from the Chopra Center. She is carries deep knowledge and love for Archetypes. She is also currently working on a book that will be published in 2019 with Inner Traditions on the energetic and spiritual aspects of foods.

Debra believes that Candice comes from and lives inside the realm of faeries ~ she is magical. 



Debra Haugen is a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner and skilled leader inside ceremony. Her love for science and mathematics led her to pursue a degree in Geological Engineering, a beautiful bridge between science and nature. Debra is the founder and alchemist of Gemstone Organic, a gemstone infused skincare, created from her passion for crystals and earth-medicine. Debra has years of experience in working with the moon and her cycles, ceremonies and ritual, astrology, and intuitive tarot card readings.