What is something you do everyday that makes you happy?
I love to cook and go to the gym. It brings me such pleasure to create a meal from scratch and see the benefits of good food. I was sick a couple of years ago because of bad eating and stress habits. I work very hard every single day to ensure my body is healthy and that I am happy. Life is short so I try to make the most of it. Food is medicine.
What do you find yourself daydreaming about the most?
Making a difference in the world, having an impact on people lives. I started up a company called Viver Health to empower people about health. I wish we lived in a world in which we genuinely knew what was in our food and beauty products. There are way to many people getting cancer these days and the starting age has moved down into the 30s – that is unheard of as it was once considered an older age group. Also the number of kids with allergies and disabilities is startling and something for us to reflect on. Our environment and the products we choose are so important to our health now but also for the future of our children.
What is your favorite gemstone, and what does it do for you?
Rose Quartz - it is all about the heart chakra and love.
What is your favorite Gemstone Organic product, and why?
I am loyal to the Rose Quartz Face Crème. I love the smell, the feel and the energy of this crème. I just had a facial at a spa and the esthetician was amazed on how beautiful my skin was – she asked me what products I used on my face. I had not had a facial in over a year and she said I did not even need one – how amazing is that! Thank you Gemstone Organic!
I also love the Lavender Gem Juice Hydrosol. When I first used this hydrosol it caught me off guard, as it does not smell like the lavender sprays I used to buy. But after a day or two of getting over the sweeter smell I found that I loved it! I spray it on my face and body and for me it lasts a long time! It is very refreshing.
My oldest daughter uses the Sunstone Body Lotion and loves it. Because she is a swimmer her skin gets dry after her practices and she loves the way it makes her skin feel - rejuvenated and soft. She also uses it in the mornings before school most days.
You’re stranded on an island with only 3 things, what are they?
My family. It would be an amazing vacation until we get rescued - learning how to get food, swimming, making a home – it would be an amazing educational experience.
If you could send a message out for everyone in the world to hear, what would it be?
Respect yourself and empower yourself with knowledge especially when it comes to health.
What does ‘Radically Holistic Beauty’ mean to you?
Beauty comes from within – what you project is what ultimately what you look like. When I was going through chemo 6 years ago I had no hair and looking frail and pale however, I was super happy and it showed and I glowed!
Vicki is a breast cancer survivor of six years. She found out she had breast cancer the day before her second daughter was born. She has taken that experience and changed her life and the life of many by starting her inspiring company Viver Health, providing wonderful nutritional information in a cliff like manner. She eats and lives an organic lifestyle and is passionate about using products that are healing for her body, family and environment. She is a Moon Sister and Tribal Sister ~ thank you Vicki <3.
Do you have an inspirational moon sister that you would like us to include in our interviews? Please share with us at info@gemstoneorganic.com.
Very inspiring!! You are great, Vicki!
March 25, 2016
Love Vicki’s story.very inspirational.May she continue to be a blessing to others.