Dancing Under the Full Moon

Art work by Beverly Ash Gilbert

We are entering the Full Moon in Virgo on March 12th at 7:53 am PST (`)~ also known as the Worm Moon by Native Americans as this is the time of the year when the earth begins to soften and the earthworms begin to make their way to the surface. Tomorrow we also turn our clocks back ~ creating more light in our days.

Full Moons are in opposition to the Sun ~ this month the Full Moon is in Virgo while the Sun is in Pisces. It may feel as if they are working against each other, however, they are really working towards the same goal from different directions. According to Beatrix Qunttana ~ this Virgo Moon/Pisces Sun is a time when you may find tension between doing your work and finding your path.  Looking at things from different directions can shift your perspective and healing. And remember even small shifts can lead to big awakenings and healing. 

A Virgo Full Moon is a time to work with your Throat Chakra. Clearing the Throat Chakra helps you to have good, clear communication enabling you to express yourself authentically. The Moon in Virgo opens up your energy around seeking your path and encourages you to bring your radiance into the world to support healing for yourself and others.

Full Moon Ceremony

Taking the time to create and share in ceremony/rituals under the Full Moon can be food for your soul. This is a time of the month when many women ovulate, symbolizing Purna energy, a time of fullness, expansiveness and productivity. Rituals/ceremonies deeply nourish our spirit and soul and afterwards you will find that you are more clear and connected to your center.

Here is a simple chakra ceremony that you can use under this Virgo Moon ~


  • Start your day with a blueberry and coconut water smoothie ~ healing and energizing for your throat chakra with the healing blue color and cooling liquid.
    • Blend together blueberries, coconut water, avocado and a protein powder of your choice in a high ~ top with your favorite toppings (roasted sunflower seeds, bee pollen, coconut sprinkles etc).


  • Prepare for your evening ceremony by gathering the following:

    • Music: I recommend downloading the Song: Dancing Through the Chakras by Terry Oldfield & Soraya Saraswati (you can find it online)
    • Pick out a Mandala Picture here & print it out on a heavy stock paper for coloring later;
    • Coloring pencils, water colors, markers or chalk for coloring your mandala;
    • Candles;
    • Sage
    • Gemstones (emerald, turquoise, aquamarine);
    • Lavender essential oil
    • Tea;
    • Blue or turquoise pajama’s or something colored to wear while you dance, color and sleep! 

Your Ceremony ~ you can do this in the evening or in the morning during the Full Moon ~

  • Find your space where you will be able to hold your ceremony (preferably somewhere you can experience the light of Grandmother Moons fullness) and create a small alter using your gemstones, candles, tarot cards and a blue, green or earth tone colored cloth or pictures.
  • Lay out your mandala paper and materials for coloring on your table/floor.
  • Light your sage and cleanse the room, yourself and your altar.
  • Light your candles and use the lavender oil on yourself and around the room to lightly permeate your senses and surroundings.
  • If you use tarot cards, draw a card to work with during your ceremony. One card is good as it can speak to you more clearly when you ask a clear and concise question.
  • Light your candles and turn out the lights ~ if not candles turn your lights down low or off if you feel so inclined so that you tune into your body fully.
  • Start your music and follow the dance through all your Chakra’s paying special attention to the Throat Chakra. When you are done ~ stop and take a deep breath. Take a few minutes feel your body and energy. Where is the energy moving? How do you feel? Notice your throat chakra.
  • Move to your space to create and color your mandala… stay connected to your body and the energy from the dance. If you are drawn to write ~ do! This is a great time to listen to what your body wants to share with you.
  • Make your tea and sip on your tea and write in your journal before bed.

Place your mandala somewhere that you will see if often during the next two weeks ~ for me this is an important part of the healing power of ceremony. To bring it forward is how we hold onto the power and healing we experienced during the ceremony.

I will be sharing chakra ceremonies throughout this year during the Full and New Moons. Regularly dancing through the charka’s helps you to feel more alive and energized, bringing balance to your whole body. I think by the end of the year you will be able to notice very real changes in yourself and so will others!

Here are a few questions to think about during your ceremony:

  • Have you every taken time to contemplate what it means to express yourself authentically?
  • Do you take time to listen to others and yourself daily?
  • What words do you choose daily to speak out to the world?

Moon Light Your Way,


2 Responses


March 11, 2017

Beautifully written Deb! ?


March 11, 2017

Beautiful ???

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