Dark Moon & New Cazimi Moon in Virgo


This beautiful picture by Rassouli, Freydoon, is from his collection of Goddesses and named JOY VIBRATIONS ~ these artworks were created to offer you a portal into the intimate, vulnerable and feminine power each goddess reveals for you.

We are moving into our New Moon in Virgo this Sunday, September 9th at 11:01 am PST (2:01 pm EST). This is a time to look at what works and what does not work and how to make improvements. Take on Virgo’s ability to organize and shed a few things or gift others. There is nothing better than to feel the benefits of having things in their place and removing the clutter. Or maybe you just want to share yourself with a friend or family member ~ Virgo is about serving and caring for others.

Today, September 7th, we are under the Balsamic Moon which is always a energetic time for releasing before bringing in the new. Those of you who follow me know how much I love the Dark Moon ~ I love the raw, deep energy it shares and how much I learn in this small yet powerful window of time. The Moon is currently in Leo but moves into Virgo tomorrow morning at 7:29 am PST (10:29 EST).

As we move into this Dark Moon in Virgo tomorrow, September 8th, I want you to ask yourself this question~ 

What must I do to get to the truth?

This is the time to gnaw and chew your way through your obstacles to the truth ~ crack things open to penetrate to the essence. This will help you to reach the result you are holding back from.

Then under the New Moon in Virgo on Sunday, September 9th, I want you to ask yourself this question ~

What would I do if I knew I was blessed?

Because you are! Let yourself imagine where you want to be, and then take the first steps that will commit you to going there. This is how to keep the momentum going. This is a time to receive.

Virgo can sometimes shed a bit of low energy but with all the beautiful planetary action we have lots of great energy to work with. On Sunday we are also gifted with

a Grand Earth Trine between Uranus, Mercury and Saturn. This trine encourages us to listen. So take the time to listen on Sunday and to gather solid support and information that this trine offers. If you do ~ you may find that your wishes and gifts shown will take flight like a kite!

We also have a Cazimi or dropping Moon energy that is available for the New Virgo Crescent Moon on Sunday ½ hour before and after the New Moon (10:31 - 11:31 am PST). It is a perfect time to start something new or complete an important task that is waiting ~ use this Virgo Cazimi energy to get it done or make it happen!

For your altar I suggest earth colors of the Earth, browns, oranges or reds. Gemstones to add are jasper, carnelian, agate or emerald! Add essential oils to your meditation of ylangylang, orange or cardamom.  

A few short rituals I offer: 

  • Take a bath under the Dark Moon Energy with your question and see where your heart takes you.
  • On Sunday morning prepare a cacao ceremonial drink  and sip on it before and during the Cazimi New Crescent Moon Energy. It will heighten your wishes and open you to the gifts that are yours from the Grand Earth Trine. Call in your angels or guides for help in the area that you need them ~ I am sure they will answer!
  • Write in your journal all your wishes and dreams that you want to manifest over the next two weeks. Keep them close to your bedside so that you can feel them and share them with your heart before sleeping and upon waking.
  • Place your body or feet on the earth to connect and ground yourself.

And to each of you ~ please, remember that you are blessed.

New Moon Wishes & Blessings,
Moon Mama

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