Full Moon in Gemini ~ power of breath

photo by mystic mama

Tomorrow morning at  7:47 am PST (10:47 am EST) we enter the Full Moon in Gemini. Gemini is an air element and when the Moon is in Gemini we can find our thoughts and nerves speeding up. It is also a time to feel liberated and free ~ teaching us to work with possibilities. This is a time to focus on balancing the Element of Air ~ the unseen energies of life.

Air is the element that connects all other elements. It has the power to shift and change the landscape ~ shaping itself into the space available or shaping space to its own nature. You experience the power of air through its movement ~ maybe through a soft breeze passing over your skin or the scent of flowers it may carry. Air gives us life ~ it is the power of breath. Each breath is a cycle within itself. Your inhale represents the energy of receiving and your exhale the energy of giving. It is the wind beneath your wings, the power of your heart to direct you into right action. This power is the perfect balance between receiving and giving.

Thought:  What is taking shape in your life?

Here are a few ways to work with the element of air:

  1. Step out into the cool/cold air to bring you back to your breath ~ walk in the morning or evening and connect to your breath. Then as you breathe deeply connect to your heartbeat. This will help you to connect mind and heart, a beautiful connection to work with over the holiday season.
  2. Do a morning meditation or mantra. A sweet and simple mantra to use is, ‘Breathe and breathe again’.
  3. Use this hand mudra for calming and clearing the mind:

    Kalesvara Mudra

    Place the finger pads of your middle finger together; touch the first two joints of the index fingers and touch your thumbs. Bend your other fingers inward. Point your thumbs toward your chest and spread your elbows to the outside. In hale and exhale slowly 10 times. Then observe your breath and lengthen the pause after inhalation and after exhalation a little bit more. This Mudra calms your mind from its flood of thoughts and agitated feelings. The more calm you become the longer the periods between your thoughts. You become clearer supporting your ability to find solutions. 
    Affirmation: I connect to my breath and feel its calming energy.  
  1. Calm your overactive mind with herbal Bach Remedy No. 35 (White Chestnut), or drink a Valerian or Chamomile tea to calm and connect. 

Today, bring in the color yellow in your surroundings or on your altar. If you like, work with the gemstones citrine or yellow jade. And to help focus your mind use the essential oils of rosemary, juniper berry or clary sage. And don’t forget to put out your Moon Water gems.

Holiday surprises and gift packages coming this week <3.

Full Moon Blessings,
Moon Mama

1 Response


December 06, 2017

So glad I found this page in search of a new moon ritual & found you during interest in ur moon water ritual. ? Give thanks. Love & light.

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