Full Moon in Gemini Ritual ~ Letting go, creating vision, and listening


photo taken from MYSTIC MAMMA

Full Moon in Gemini ~ 4:05 PM (PST) ~ 5:05 PM (MST) ~ 7:05 PM (EST) ~ 12:05 AM (GMT)

The last Full Moon of the year is quickly approaching. Take advantage of this Full Moon in Gemini to create and clarify your visions and end the year with gratitude. The Full Moon in Gemini touches on themes of communication; reading, learning, writing, understanding, errands, and making connections.

These themes are deeply tied to listening to yourself and others. Gemini, the symbol of yin and yang, calls to us to bring up the notions we have in our own mind versus what we truly want to see happen. Focus on your own journey and create clarity around your goals while remaining open to what the Universe may have in store for you. What has your input and output been in the last year? This Full Moon is asking us to listen so that we can properly dissect information given to us and created by us; separating fact from fiction, our beliefs from what is true.

Use this Full Moon to deepen your growth in one of the most important pillars of life, communication. Some fitting Gemstone Organic tools to continue this process of deepening your communication are our Throat Chakra Ceremonial Bath to guide you further in listening to others (and yourself), speaking your truth, and expressing your most authentic self, the Moonstone Face Créme to balance your power of yin and yang and your keep your skin radiant throughout the bitter winter, and our Lavender Gem Juice Hydrosol to heal your skin while giving both mind and body clarity and focus.

The optimal time for ceremony would be one hour before or after the Full Moon rises. Below, I have written several rituals to perform altogether or if you choose to just do one or two to take full advantage of the Full Moon’s energy. As always, do what feels right or is calling to you. Feel free to put your own spin on the practices and tailor them according to your current needs, desires, and energy. Begin with a small 10 or 15 minute meditation or yoga practice to bring your body and mind into the present moment.

  1. Full Moon Water - Put out some glass water jars or bottles tonight. Set an intention to them, speaking it would be optimal for this Full Moon. For example, you can write the words gratitude or understanding, speak those words to the bottles, and leave the water under the moonlight. For added benefits, you can add a gemstone like Amethyst or Crystal Quartz. Click here for more info on a Full Moon Water Ritual.
  2. Write - Find a quiet space for you to write. Begin by lighting a candle or two and placing some of your favorite crystals, like Aquamarine and Kyanite, along with other healing tools near you. On a piece of paper or in your journal make two columns, in the left column, write all the conflicting notions that come about in your mind and contradict what your deepest desires are. In the right column write “my truth” at the top and list what feels true in your heart and for your life. For example, in the left column you might write a thought you have that blocks you from receiving and in the right column, “I am deserving of anything I want and abundance flows freely to me.”
  3. Bath - Take a relaxing bath under the light of the Full Moon and use your voice by singing or reading aloud to ignite your power of voice. Use some bath salts and healing essential oils like lavender, peppermint, or chamomile to heighten the effects. Read the tools in our Throat Chakra Ceremonial Bath to re-create this ritual as you wish.
  4. Tarot Cards - Use the Full Moon to guide you further during a Tarot Card Ceremony as she deals symbols for you to ponder and work with for the closing of this year. Give the gift of Tarot reading with our Mystic Holiday Gift Set featuring The Wild Unknown Deck + Guidebook.

At the close of your ceremony, cut your paper in half. Take the left column and burn it in a bowl with your candle, speak the words, “I consciously let this go and so it goes.” After the paper has burned wash your hands while repeating the phrase aloud. Feel free to express yourself  afterwards in whatever way you wish, more meditation, writing, or simply just doing whatever feels right to you. You have completed your Full Moon in Gemini Ritual, thank yourself for creating space and time for you.

Wishing you the Moon + Stars,



2 Responses

Helen Patrice
Helen Patrice

November 07, 2020

Thankyou very much for this. I have added this information to my Book of Shadows, for further contemplation and action.


December 12, 2016

Thank you so much for providing these rituals to enhance the full moon energies. Love and light

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