Full Moon in Leo ~ Blood Moon ~ Super Moon ~ Wolf Moon ~ Full Lunar Eclipse

Tonight at 9:16 pm PST (January 21st at 12:16 pm EST) is the Full Moon in Leo ~ our Wolf Moon, Blood Moon, Super Moon, and Full Lunar Eclipse. Information on these energies are flooding the internet ~ there is so much to read, so many thoughts on how to feel and what to expect.

So I have chosen to keep this blog simple. As I want you to find your own way to feel and work with the energies.  The Moon teaches us to work in cycles to allow old growth to be moved out of the way so that we can make space for the new ~ a releasing. Maybe you don't need to make anything happen right now but to take some time to breathe and bring your energy back to your roots. To recover your sense of your own strength and autonomy, to create space for that fire to build up inside of you, to reconnect with you. 

At this time of winter I begin to feel the rumble, the thunder within that is waiting for me to bring it to fruition. Spring is on her way. I can feel her budding energy starting to rise up in me.

I love the Moon. She teaches me so much about myself. I try to listen to her as she moves with my body and senses and all the spaces in between.

These planetary energies are here for each of us and we experience them individually. We may feel them deeply and we may not feel them at all. Yet they are there like the air we breathe and they touch us and move with us and guide us. I find that it is a time of learning so many beautiful teachings around astrology, the Moon and listening to our intuitive energies. However, we sometimes become so flooded with information that we loose our own journey.

So I encourage each of you to listen to your gut, your intuition and know that only the information that touches you in a deep place is your truth. It is like a returning home to the place inside you that holds your truth. So listen and learn from others, yet be sure to check in with you, with your inner home. 

Take time to return inward, it is a two way road, one inward and outward. To gather your fire and creativity and find harmony within you. It will give you the recharge to keep you centered in YOU when you are in the world at large. 

So enjoy these energies and trust the feelings and love and energy that is playing with you. Take time to feel. That is what Grandmother Moon is about; and when she is in Leo, she is firing up your life with courage and strength and creativity. That is a beautiful message.

And don't forget to put out your Moon Water gems! 

Full Moon Love,
Moon Mama


1 Response


January 20, 2019

Hello Debra!

Thank you for this, it was so beautiful. Yesterday I purchased a jar to pour water into to be able to do a full moon water ritual for tonight’s full moon. I also planned on charging my crystals. However, a friend told me I should look into it because she said she had heard it could be bad to charge these things during an eclipse…I asked her why and she didn’t know and said it’s just something she’s heard.

Tonight was going to be my first time doing this and as a Leo sun, cancer rising, the idea of the moon moving from Cancer to Leo seemed fitting. I was very excited for this but now I’m getting a little worried as I can’t seem to find an answer. By any chance would you be able to shed some light on this? Have you heard of anything like that? If so, why is that the case?

Any advice or do’s/don’ts surrounding tonight’s celestial spectacle would be greatly appreciated!!


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