Tomorrow morning we have a Full Moon in Libra at 4:12 am PDT (7:12 am EST) ~ this is our second Full Moon in Libra this year and one that can support you in trying again! When the Moon is on the cusp (29 degrees) it can yield a strong energy to the sign in which it is residing. A Pink Moon in Libra warms our hearts and increases our need to be near and around beauty ~ and doesn’t mother earth provide us with that option at this time of year in an explosive way!
Libra is a masculine, cardinal, air sign. He adores balance and harmony and is ruled by Venus ~ planet of love (interesting female and male energies at work here).
Full Moons can stir up energy that wants to be completed. Around 60 hours prior to a full moon we can find that stirring rise up in us ~ do you have any remembrance(s) of how you felt on Tuesday evening (~4:12 pm PDT or 7:12 pm EDT)? Or maybe this energy is up in you now? However this Moon feels to you, it can guide and teach you, and remember, my words here are just that, words. How you feel, how you respond to her light and fullness, are completely yours and unique and beautiful. For me, there are even times I find the Moon under her Gibbous energy a bigger shift than even the Full Moon energies…and sometimes I find the beautiful star nation speaks to me on a deeper level and I miss them under the Full Moons light….but more on that later.
Yet, do not get me wrong ~ I LOVE my Moon time. I move my bed around or sleep at the opposite end just to get her light to shine on my dreams and me at night! I talk with her and find her comforting at all phases ~ but for now, lets think about a way to use this lovely light to move into the realm of completion ~ one small or big task is perfect!
So here is a lovely and simple ritual to guide your energies ~
STEP 1: This beautiful air sign is doubled love for bringing something to completion, meaning you are loved and in a love bubble! Is there a relationship that you love ~ yet maybe is not the one that brings you the outcome you want? It could be a relationship with a part of you too? Is there a project that needs completion? A dream that wants to be brought to completion? Anything goes here and if it can represent, balance or harmony or love ~ that is even more powerful! I guess if I really look at my own words ~ that pretty much covers everything! Lets build a bridge to completion.
STEP 2: Find a picture or write a sentence or speak your thoughts on how to bring this relationship or dream or project to completion. For example if you have a fear of not finishing a project, find a picture of someone crossing a finish line or celebrating the success of a project completed etc! Or if you have a dream of getting a new car, find the picture of the car you want ~ make if specific, color, model, year!!
STEP 3: Place the picture or sentence or words into a little ‘god box’ as my sister calls them! I have one that a dear friend gifted me, but it can be anything that holds love or beauty to the eye ~ it could even be a cloth that you wrap it in.
STEP 4: Create an altar or mesa in a place where it will catch the moon light. I place mine outside in the early evening. Use things that represent love to you ~ they can be ANYTHING. I have created one that I am sharing below. I have my two favorite statues from Africa, one that reminds me that I am constantly pregnant with ideas and creative juices to fill my world and heart; the second that reminds me that I hold both the masculine and feminine; the masai necklace reminds me that I am part of and come from all continents; my two sweet little round containers hold special tools I use in ceremony (which I love more than anything!); the beautiful turquoise box is the one my dear friend hand-crafted for me that I place my dreams into daily, weekly or monthly ~ I love to open the box, whisper my words of love into the box, and then gently and lovingly close the top; the paper heart on the top is made by my magical grandsons, Isaac & Theo, and who can't benefit from the love of the pure child; the eagle feather is a gift from a dear cousin, and reminds me that we all hold the spirit of air to soar; and finally, my beloved gemstones ~ these are the ones that speak to me today and I love that my cowrie shells called to me as they are a feminine sign for fertility. Create your altar and add things as they call you ~ sometimes these special calls come late in the day or just as I roll into bed! Making it is the most endearing and loving gesture you can give yourself.
STEP 5: Fill a container with water and if you choose add a crystal ~ remember the rules on gemstones that are safe in water. Use a container that can hold enough water to supply you with a small drink daily over the next two weeks. This week I am only using water, as my gemstones will gather the energy I am calling for and I will carry them, wear them, and use them in other drinks over these two weeks along with the moon water.
STEP 6: As you place your water and altar out under the moonlight, call on the energy of snake, the medicine that teaches us that we are all universal beings. Let her kundalini energy rise up to the mental plane of your body ~ the plane of intellect, power, charisma and leadership and then to your spiritual plane where it becomes wisdom, connection, wholeness and understanding ~ and then when there release your thoughts on whatever you want to bring to completion and watch it move out into the world and beyond you ~ let the winds of time take it where it needs to go and take a deep breath and smile beautiful one. It is now released.
STEP 7: Take this beauty to sleep with you and if you can catch her light as much as possible ~ maybe even sleep outside!
This ceremony is something I will also be doing tonight and so let us love and release together my dear moon family. I have been slow in communicating these last months and want you to know that I have many things stirring ~ some are big for me and some are big for us! So please know that in my silence I am still working with you on a level of love that I hope is palpable and full of juicy sweetness.
A reminder: the square of Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces shares infinite possibilities with you ~ grab these positive, loving energies and create your dreams and your life and your loves. Life is a crazy ride and we all have our ups and downs and that is what keeps us beautiful inside and out ~ yet, some days we must find the beauty in every thing ~ because it is what reminds us that we indeed can find infinite possibilities everywhere.
Remember, each day the world is born anew, we arise in newness, and each moment is a new beginning.
Full Moon Love & Blessings,
Moon Mama
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Joan Parker
April 18, 2019
Am very grateful for this message! So thankful I had time to read it as want to work through & shift negative energies! May we all have a few moments to revitalize our Soul! Much love & blessings!