We are entering a Full Moon in Scorpio this afternoon at 2:42 pm PST (5:42 pm EST). I am always one to fall deep into the preparation for a Scorpio Moon and find that it is a few days before this particular Moon that I can truly find what I need to release. Scorpio is a sign that delves deeply into the emotional waters and communication is one of the themes of this Moon as she is sitting in the Third House.
I have been preparing for a Full Moon Ceremony tonight and what came forward for me this Full Moon is the Nautilus. The Nautilus brings messages from the depths of the oceans connecting us to our ancient wisdom and knowledge. She is a living fossil that has survived the earth’s oceans for over 500 million years! As the Nautilus grows it continues to stay connected to its central point. This is a beautiful reminder that as we grow and evolve we become more centered and move back to our center ~ your experiences lead to wisdom. This beautiful Cephalopod also teaches us to grab opportunities as they come our way and her medicine will guide you to connect to your intuition and let go of past emotions that do not serve you.. The nautilus shell is a perfect spiral and reflects the order of the universe connecting us to our ancient wisdom and knowledge.
I offer you a simple yet beautiful way to work with today’s Full Moon in Scorpio and the Nautilus ~ today, tonight, or tomorrow.
Take it where it wants to go and ~ enjoy. And don't forget to put your Full Moon Water out gems!
Wishing you the Moon & the Stars,
Words to work with on releasing
Dawn sharon Blades
May 10, 2017
Hi, very interesting post, I am a Scorpio born 10 November, how will this moon ieffectn scorpio effect me?