Full Moon in Virgo ~ Awakening Natures Rhythms

  “Our unrealized potential will always ask us to go into the unknown of our lives….put simply, rhythm is fundamental to well-being. It is the keynote of nature. Not just a sign of life - it is life”. ~ Krystina Dryza

Good-morning Moon Family ~ Happy International Womens Day! This morning many of us moved into our spring forward daylight savings time. Mother Earth, our most powerful sister, is calling us outside to experience her feminine, vibrant, spring energy!

Tomorrow, March 9th at 10:47 am PST or (1:47 pm EST) we have a Perigee* Full Moon in Virgo. Native Americans called this the Worm Moon, as it is the time of the year when the earth begins to soften and the earthworms begin to make their way to the surface. Where are you softening? What is beginning to make its way to the surface for you?

Virgo is a feminine, mutable, earth sign. She rules the intestines, digestive and nervous system. Her ruling planet is Mercury. When Mercury is retrograde it gives us the opportunity to think differently ~ as Mercury begins to move forward over these next few days think of the opportunities that came forward for you.

As we approach the first day of Spring, March 19th, we are invited to explore our senses and experience the delight of spring, her mystery of life, her openness to showing us anything is possible; and that all those endless possibilities are held within us. Earth is home, body and food. How do you feel most at home within yourself? Within the world?

The earth is beautiful in her natural rhythms and shows us the beauty of how the five elements, wood, fire, water, earth, and metal show us the natural cycles of life:

Wood controls soil: the roots of the plants break up the soil; it seeks ways to grow and expand.
Earth controls water: earth can stop or change the flow of water; earth can absorb water; it holds everything together.
Water controls fire: water extinguishes fire; our emotions.
Fire controls metal: fire melts metal; reminds us to be here now, in the present.
Metal controls wood: metal can cut wood; the wildness within us keeping us real.

In our astrological year, we begin with the element Fire (Aries), move into Earth (Taurus), then Air (Gemini) and end in Water (Cancer). This cycle repeats throughout the year. Thinking of this movement in life, nature, internally, can be so helpful. Lets take the Pisces (Water, Sun) and Virgo (Earth, Moon) energy we are in now!

The Virgo Earth element can help us to control the watery Pisces emotions we just went through… have you ever thought of earth being able to help you absorb and change the flow of your emotions?

Under Virgo Full Moons we are invited to release and create new space from a grounded awareness.

My dear teacher and friend, Hilary Barrett shares insight into the Taoist I-Ching Hexagram 40: Release. She relates it to archery and the releasing of arrows. Archery is the fully intentional version of Release, and it’s all about seizing your moment: you can’t build up gradually, taking a quarter of a shot today and half of a shot tomorrow; you have to be ready to see your opportunity and act”. And another colleague shares, “Prosperity does not arrive by itself, it visits the people with the right attitude. The one who always carries along arrows is probably the one who comes home from their walk with dinner”. 

Releasing the arrows ~ this is a great time to connect to the earth’s rhythms and remember that you reap what you sow.

Find a ceremony that connects you to your internal rhythm, natures rhythm. Go outside and notice, listen, and let her stirring connect you to your stirring. Catch the Moonlight ~ take an evening walk under this full moon, open your curtains and soak up her light while sleeping or in the morning during your meditation/ritual.

We carry seeds inside us that want to push up through our feelings and attitudes; they seek the light at the surface so that we can grow strong and solid.

And .... don't forget to put out your Moon Water gems ~

Big Full Moon Love,
Moon Mama

*Perigee is when the Moon is closest to the earth giving it the name and appearance of a Super Moon!

AND if you are an early riser, check out the early morning Moon as it sets in the West and then turn to the East and you can experience Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury rising in the East!

1 Response

Linda L.
Linda L.

March 08, 2020

For International Women’s Day, 2020
‘Sending greetings and love to you Moon Mama! May Springtime bring you fulfillment, for your steadfastness and all your good work.
I cherish our friendship!
Linda in Eau Claire

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