New Moon in Capricorn ~ Earthy & Feminine


Tomorrow we celebrate a New Moon in Capricorn at 6:17 pm PST (9:17 pm EST). The Capricorn Moon energy is feminine and earthy. She connects us to our ambitions and encourages us to dream, organize, and manifest our visions. What a perfect way to start the year. This year Venus joins her in Capricorn calling us to bring love and beauty into our 2018 goals.

We also have access to a Cazimi Moon for our first New Moon of 2018. What is a Cazimi Moon? Any planet whose center is within 17 minutes of the arc of the center of the Sun in celestial longitude is said to be a Cazimi. Planets are thought to be very powerful and benefic when Cazimi! According to The average speed of the Moon is such that it remains Cazimi for about an hour; so the best time to create and set your intentions is a half an hour before and half an hour after the exact conjunction with the Sun. 

So the best time to place your New Moon intentions are ½ hour before and ½ hour after the Sun-Moon conjunction (6:17 pm PST). According to Jim Shawvan: If you have something important to start around now, this is a great time to do it.

Under this Capricorn moon you may want to revisit your past goals and look at them with a new perspective ~ or clean the slate and bring new visions and goals to your new year.

My favorite ritual at this first New Moon is to create a vision board and a New Year mandala. These two visuals help me to carry my goals and visions forward throughout the year with intention and creativity.

I like to create my vision board under the Dark Moon.

Creating Your Vision Board

  1. Plan a time that will give you at least 2 hours for creating …
  2. Light a candle and tune into your vision for setting your goals and intentions for the next year. Be open as you create for new thoughts and visions to help you to create this 2018 board of love.
  3. Using a heavier paper like a Mat board ~ cut it into the circle or if you like, use it in the square…
  4. Gather several magazines, newspapers, old writings, books, colored pencils, water colors, stamps, or anything that can help you to visualize your goals…
  5. Cut, write, paste and create….
  6. This is the year of 11, If you like, once you have completed your cuttings, blindly draw only 11 pictures to add to your paper and from there draw or paint or write additional words or pictures to guide your year forward.
  7. Place your picture on your altar or in a place where you can connect with your vision daily, weekly, or monthly ~ preferably in the morning upon awakening and in the evening before going to sleep.

I love to create my Mandala under the New Crescent Moon (Wednesday, January 17th). I find that it helps me to visualize myself in a new place on the wheel of the year ~ guiding me into thoughts and visions that come from creating my vision board and providing additional love and beauty for my eyes and heart throughout the year.

Creating Your Mandala

  • Start by gathering things around the house, stones, beads, dried flower petals etc. that inspire you or speak to you; or go for a walk and gather nature beauties that you find over the next few days.
  • Use paper or poster board along with glue and colored pencils and find a quiet place to work. Put on some light music and let your creativity flow! If words, ideas or thoughts come to you, write them down.
  • Use the Mandala to inspire you throughout the coming year ~ again place it on your altar or somewhere you will see it often. 

Thoughts to think about as you create:

  • How will you use this beautiful energy to plant seeds and bring change into your life?
  • Where in your body are you feeling her today?
  • What are you dreaming?
  • What awareness does this Dark Moon and New Crescent Moon bring to you? 

For your altar:

Use earth tones, Vetiver for grounding, Frankincense for a spiritual connection. Gemstones I love for this moon are carnelian, red jasper and agates.

Rituals bring balance to our lives and can be done alone or with others. They remind us of our heart intentions and help us to stay connected to our true scared selves. Let this be a year where you make intentional room for your desires. 

Today is my birthday ~ I am 61. One of my goals this year is to share more about myself with you, my dear moon family. Please read my opening blog here.

New Moon Love,
Moon Mama

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