New Moon in Leo ~ Solar Eclipse

We are approaching the New Moon in Leo for the second time and this Moon is called a Blue Moon or some call it a Black Moon because of the full Solar Eclipse. This New Moon occurs tomorrow, Monday, August 21st, at 11:30 am PST (2:30 pm EST). This full Solar Eclipse moves across the United States and will have a big impact on us all ~ I love the way Chani Nicholas shares it the best ~

'We can know all of our emotional patterns. All the triggers that trigger us. All the spaces that are unsafe for us. All the ways something can get stuck in us.

We can do all the therapy. Read all the books. Go to all the groups and still need schooling. Still be struck with an insight that floors us. Cracks our hearts wide 
open. Knocks the wind right out of us. Knowing is one thing. Feeling is another.

That’s what eclipse season is for.'


New Moons are about planting seeds and during this very energetic time I want to share thoughts about nourishment.

Your quality of life reflects how you are nourished; how you nourish others and the way you function in the world. Every level of our being requires nourishment ~ body, mind and spirit. This is a wonderful time to pay attention to your health and how you nourish yourself ~ here is some food for thought:

  • MIND ~ we are bombarded daily with impressions from social media, movies, books, or magazines so that we end up carrying around too much “weight”in our heads. Eliminating what does not promote wholesomeness can get you to feeling better. Gradually eliminating whatever is not longer relevant -stuff, habits, relationships, or points of view ` helps to remove some of the excess off your lifestyle.
  • BODY ~ bring awareness to what, where and how you eat. Choosing healthy foods and eating with intention sends a message to your entire being that it is worth nourishing. Finding time to move your body can clear cobwebs from an overfull mind by rerouting excess energy from the head to the body.
  • HEART ~ nourishment of the heart calls for healthy relationships in your life. Nourish your relationships with care so that they can provide you and others with emotional sustenance.
  • SPIRIT ~ nourish your spirit. Nature, rest, relaxation all bring us back to ourselves and when we do it with regularity, we clear the mind, calm the emotions and facilitate self-awareness. 

Here is a short, inspiring exercise to connect you to what you are feeling as we move into and through these heightened energies:

  • Pick a spot in nature or your yard or in your house that is 12” x 12”.
  • Stare at this spot for 20 minutes (yes! 20 minutes) and only feel. Every time you start thinking or getting into your thoughts or mind, bring yourself back to where and what you are feeling.
  • When you are done, write or share how you felt or the feelings you experienced.
  • If you can do this today Sunday, August 20th, tomorrow, Monday, August 21st, and Tuesday, August 22nd, it will help you to better understand how these energies are touching you and your life.

For your altar ~ again, royal blues, purples and orange; gemstones, peridot, emerald and whatever calls to you; and, grab some jasmine and sunflowers to bring in centering and your souls intention. Manifesting ideas ~ ways of expressing yourself, bonding with those you love, new ways of loving!

Grab onto this swirling and twirling energy and let it push you in directions that feed your soul, shake you up, and bring you out on the other side with more passion, more love and more time to create a full and happy life ~ that in turn will trickle out to manifesting a happy world!

New Moon Wishes,
Moon Mama

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