New Moon in Libra ~ Nourishing Balance

Tonight, September 27th, we are under the Dark Moon of Virgo until early tomorrow morning when the Moon moves into Libra at 3:03 am PST (6:03 am EST).  Under a Libra moon we can find ourselves looking for balance and for this Libra Moon I would like to work with nourishment and how that brings balance to our lives and bodies. To create balance sometimes we need to deal with obstacles. This can take determination to bring things back into order. It is a time to crack the situation open like a bone between our teeth, to penetrate to the essence, and let nothing stand between you and the truth. Action and insight can awaken us into bringing things into view. And when we can see we have the possibility of reaching the truth, a result. 

When we include all forms of nourishment: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual we create an 'ecosystem' to sustain ourselves. And most importantly, the truths we choose to nurture and cultivate in our lives become the foundation of our personal ecosystem.

When we are setting intentions under this New Moon in the Air Sign of Libra we can use our breath to guide us deeper into our places of knowing.

So here are a few questions to ask during this New Moon as you create your intentions:

What must you do to get to the truth?
What nourishes you?
If you accept this nourishment, who will you become?
How are you growing into your self to create a harmonious, balanced cycle of nourishment?

Become aware of what truly sustains you. Work with your deep instincts to connect with the real nourishment you are seeking.

A few thoughts to remember under this Dark Moon is that you may find that your mind turns inward and your intuition is active. This is the time to nourish the seeds of your intentions so they are ready to plant tomorrow under the New Crescent Moon. 

Here is a simple ritual for this New Moon in Libra:

  • Create your altar using blues, yellow, silver or violet. Some lovely gemstones to work with under this moon are agates, jade, peridot, lapis lazuli or opals. Cleanse your scared space with a prayer or smudging with sage or incense.
  • Light a candle or two.
  • Center yourself using your breath ~ take a few deep cleansing breaths or use a mediation CD or make yourself a cup of herbal tea.
  • Nourishing your body with the breath is a way to draw oxygen into your cells to nourish them. Next, breath in a quality you need right now and visualize that quality gently and gradually infusing your body with kindness, compassion, health, healing? What do you need to balance your energy, spirit or mind?
  • Once you are done with your meditation take out your notebook and write the messages or thoughts or words that come to you. Do not stop to think about what you are writing ~ just write! How does it support you in finding your inner balance? Does it inspire an idea or creative intention?
  • Over the next 48 hours eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Over the next 2-weeks, make time to do a short meditation daily to connect to your intention.

Air is a powerful element. It carries the archetypal properties of spirit into the physical world. When we pay attention to both giving and receiving we bring nourishment and energy to our creative actions. My wish for you my dear moon family, is to use this New Moon in Libra to create a foundation for a beautiful inner and outer 'ecosystem'. 

New Moon Blessings,
Moon Mama

4 Responses

Moon Mama
Moon Mama

October 29, 2019

Thank you my beautiful Moon Sisters <3
Moon Mama

Millicent Audain
Millicent Audain

September 28, 2019

Move, nourish, rest, connect. So important to be reminded of the powerful energy behind these steps.


September 27, 2019

Grateful for your words – thank you.


September 27, 2019

This is beautiful

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