New Moon in Taurus ~ Following the Spiral Pathway


Knowing others is intelligence,  Knowing yourself is true wisdom.  
 ~ Tao Te Ching 

Tomorrow evening at 7:25 pm PST (10:25 pm EST) we will experience the Dark Moon in Taurus. Taurus is a sign that is committed to getting things completed. The Bull represents independence that blooms from self-knowledge and connects us with our inner power. When the Moon is dark under an Earth sign, we are reminded to slow down, connect to her deep rooted energy and ground our hearts and minds. It is a time to pause in the present and let our emotions find their stability so that they can bring forth their best intentions. 

Taurus Moon energy is Feminine, Fixed and Earthy. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and in the body she rules the thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein and tonsils.

Under a dark moon ~ everything is new and we connect to our primal urge to initiate and emerge; we are driven from a body level rather than a mental level. Dark Moons are a time when our mind turns inward, and our intuition is active. Our bodies may feel a slowing of metabolism and although you may sleep well, on awakening you may feel sluggish or drowsy.

The Lunar Celtic Tree from April 15th to May 15th is the ‘Willow Tree’ ~ The Moon of Balance. Those born under the Willow are believed to be patient and steadfast. 

The gift of the Willow Moon Mother is to learn to bend with her into the path of comeback. Like no other tree, the Willow is associated with the Moon. She is a water seeker, which is why you will find her near lakes, streams and underground wells!  She symbolizes the change of our feelings and desires as we pass through time. She invites us to follow the spiral pathway to connect to our wisdom and the rhythm of our soul. When we follow this path into our subconscious, we return to our ordinary world strengthened.

In Native American traditions the Willow symbolizes "inner wisdom, an open mind with the stability and strength of age and experience." It is the young willow tree that many sweat lodges are made from due to her flexibility.

The willow bark is also used as a very magical healing herb.

When I was young we had a big, beautiful weeping willow tree down by the pond behind our home. I loved to sit under her and dream ~ I felt as though no one could see me under her beautiful weeping branches and I loved to sit on her roots and lean into her. As an adult, my ritual sister and I would do ceremonies near a sacred Willow we loved near a small spring on Native land. When it was cut down, we shared in ceremony to honor her beauty, strength and healing years she gave to us. I remember her beautiful roots and how they reminded me of the aging process our bodies go through and how beautiful and wise we are as we age.

My ritual for you under this New Moon in Taurus is to encourage you to carry your intention forward ~ to make it a part of each day between now and the Full Moon in Sagittarius: 

  • Take the next 24 hours to really ground into your intentions for this seeding. This is a time to deepen into your desires with no need to strongly pursue them; just stop and rest.
  • Create your space and altar ~ outdoors under an willow tree or near one would be magical! Colors for this moon are greens and pinks; gemstones are Rose Quartz, Jade, Smokey Quartz and Agates; essential oils I love for Taurus are rose and geranium.
  • Gather your sacred items, candles, sage, paper or journal, and pencil. If you like sound for grounding a rattle, flute or drum is nice, but under this Moon your voice is especially grounding as Taurus rules the vocal cords.
  • Collect or purchase one or a combination of different flowers: Roses, Poppies, Foxtails, Lilac or Lavender. Buy or collect enough for a week at a time. Choose a book that you can use for pressing your flowers ~ if you have one that you can read something out of everyday, such as a Pocket Full of Miracles by Joan Borysenko, that would be magical. Otherwise a heavy book works well or several books can be placed on top of each other. Also, cut a few squares of wax paper or parchment paper to wrap the flowers in before placing them in the book.
  • Now using your sage, rattle, flute or drum, cleanse your room and body. Here are a few thoughts to ponder before starting your quiet meditation:
    • Do you know your source of strength?
    • What awareness does this Dark/New Crescent Moon bring to you?
    • What do you need at this time? Let the Willow Moon Mother assist you in following your spiral path to your inner wisdom ~ this is a powerful time for connecting to your potential and knowing yourself better.
    • Where are you feeling her in your body today?
  • Once you are done, sit quietly and slow your breathing until you feel yourself drop heavily into your body. Visualize your roots connecting to the nourishing rhythm of Mother Earth. Let her take you on the spiral path to your inner wisdom, connect with her and open space through the quietness and listen
  • When you feel ready, take your paper or journal and write out your intention(s). Let it flow and write as much detail as you can.
  • Now, take your intention(s) and bury them somewhere in your yard, garden or in a plant in your house. If that doesn’t work, place them under a rock or other earth element you have in your home/yard. If you have more than one intention you can bury them separately or together.
  • Now starting with the Taurus Crescent Moon on Thursday, April 24th, take a flower or the flower petals and place them inside your book to press them while speaking one or all of your intentions and then if you can squeeze the flower with your fingers and touch them to your mouth to get the energy and taste of her essence. This is a way to keep your intention moving forward in you and in your life. It will connect you with all five of your senses; taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing.

The Crescent (Sprout) Moon is a time when we can feel the young shoots of our seeds (intentions) just beginning to poke themselves out of the soil (our consciousness). This is a time we may be filled with insights or new ideas, so it is a wonderful time to awaken your beautiful intentions by placing your flowers into your book.

I believe that we are our best healers and to know ourselves deeply is a wonderful way to connect to our wisdom. This is not a quick process, but a lifetime of learning, so be gentle with yourselves my beautiful moon family. You still have dreams to dream and stories to tell.

New Moon Wishes Your Way,
Moon Mama

1 Response

Bolaji Olutosin Temilola
Bolaji Olutosin Temilola

April 24, 2020

Thanks for this lecture,it really answer my question. But my problem is that most materials are not available in my country. What can I do. Thanks

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