I wholeheartedly believe that the art of rituals, setting aside a few moments in the day to be still with our body, mind and being, is sacrosanct for our sanity. And that in today’s fast paced world, self-care rituals are needed now more than ever. Our lives have become so busy. We’ve become prisoners of time. So caught up in our ‘doing’ that we’ve disconnected from our ‘being’.  With our digital devices, growing to-do lists, and #followme targets that we perceive as a measure of worthiness, it’s no wonder so many of us are drowning in a sea of discontent behind that happy smile. Looking for likes in all the wrong places. What if we looked for ‘likes’ within ourself? 

From my point-of-view the most important target to strive towards is self-acceptance and self-love. Because when we make peace with the reflection in the mirror, free from judgments, free from comparisons, and accepting ourself for who we are, whilst also desiring to be the best version of ourself, our days are filled with more love, peace, and compassion. And that love radiates out to all we come in contact with. It’s infectious. 

So often we focus our attention on caring for others. And yes, it’s a beautiful quality to have. But when that plane is going down, there’s a very good reason why they say to place that oxygen mask on your own face before helping another. If we can’t care for ourself, how can we possibly care for someone else? Everything starts with ourself. And what I’ve found, is that when I am nurturing and nourishing and looking after my physical, emotional and spiritual self, then everything in my life gets exponentially better.

One of my favourite ways to nurture my body, mind and spirit is by creating a space in the comfort of my own home. Shutting the bathroom door for a 20 minute moment of me-time. So, as you can imagine, when lovely Debra from Gemstone Organic created her Ceremonial Chakra Bath Sets, I was jumping out of my skin to try one, as they contain all the tools in one not-so-little box to create a personal ritual, with a ‘how-to’ guide if you’re new to this style of self-care. Naturally, the Gemstone Ritual was, for me, a truly beautiful nurturing and personally nourishing experience. And just what I needed at a time where I was burning the candle at both ends, entering in to our busiest time for work and moving home and office at the same time. It could have been all too easy to say “ I don’t have the time.” But if not now, when? We all know that tomorrow never comes. And we all know that the entire world will not come crashing down if we press the pause button for 20 minutes.

Reconnecting with your body, mind and being, by setting aside a window of time in your diary just for you with one of the Gemstone Chakra Bath Sets is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give to you. To be present with yourself so that you can let go of any stuck emotions that aren’t bringing you joy; or soothe any physical aches and pains; or heal the relationship that you have with yourself letting go of the judgments; or to recharge your energy battery by gifting you back to you. Or any other intention that you would like to focus on.  I wonder what seeds of happiness, love and joy we could plant if we became a little more loving? Starting with ourselves.

Written by Our Moon Sister Samantha Sargent

 Samantha Sargent is the founder of Be Naturally You, an Australian  online shop that  bridges the gap between natural and luxury.  She  carries products with integrity that work.  Samantha is an advocate  for natural beauty,  health and wellbeing.  She shares her 16+  years  of industry experience by offering  common sense beauty tips to help  encourage  women (and men) to fall in love with  themselves (and  their bodies) again.
 We are  proud to share that Be Naturally You carries  Gemstone Organic  Products, including our Ceremonial Chakra Baths, which are onsale  now for our Australian Moon Sisters & Brothers!

1 Response

Sabra Bennett
Sabra Bennett

February 27, 2017

You all are so very inspirational and your doing an amazing thing for women who want a purely natural look and feel to their skin. Thank you!

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