Pampering Your Feet ~ Why?


We walk on them everyday and yet most of us may have little knowledge of all the work these two perfect parts of our body do on the daily. Giving them some attention and love may just change the way you move through your day and possibly your life.

I have been a barefoot mama for the last 25 years. Ask anyone, I walk barefoot everywhere I can and my feet love it. This year I have been spending more time in the mountains where the air is dry and the soils have taken a toll on my feet, or maybe it is just that I have not been pampering them like I have in the past.

Either way, it has inspired me to research feet and the special power and beauty they hold. 

Did you know?
  • You have 250,000 sweat glands in your two feet
  • A quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet (26)
  • Your feet have 8,000 nerves ~ hence, why they are so susceptible to tickling!
  • Your feet can produce ½ pint of sweat a day
  • Your feet are you bodies natural shock absorbers
  • Your feet function best in their bare or natural state
  • Your feet walk an average of 110,000 miles in your lifetime
  • Each foot takes 1.5 times your body weight while you walk
  • The Achilles tendon is the STRONGEST tendon in the body

Pampering these sensitive, powerful, ‘wheels’ of motion can bring you good results in both movement and relaxation. So let’s go. Here is a great mixture of steps to take to pamper those feet of yours…do one or all of them. 

Earthing ~ bare feet for health

Going barefoot, even when in the house is a great way to connect to the Earth. So if you have a yard or can go to the nearby park and place your feet on the grass or dirt, do it, daily! Feel the pleasure you experience feeling the surface beneath your feet. When your feet come in contact with the earth you receive electrons from her that are absorbed into your body through your feet. These electrons are nature’s biggest antioxidants and help neutralize excess free radicals that lead to inflammation and disease in the body. 

Herbal Foot Soak  

Picture by Pexel

A good foot soak can soothe your muscles, hydrate your skin, remove toxins, relieve aches and pains, reduce swelling and keep your feet clean and healthy. This combination is great for calming sore, tired or swollen feet. The Epsom salts and herbs are great for easing the pain and flushing out the toxins and the essential oils will refresh your feet. 


  • ½ cup of Epsom salts (or Celtic salts)
  • 3 Tablespoons of Chamomile, Thyme and Marjoram
  • 10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil  


  • Bring 4 quarts of water (preferably reverse osmosis or spring water) to a boil, remove the water from the heat and add your Epsom salts and herbs, preferably in a muslin bag or tea strainer so they are contained.
  • Cover and allow to steep for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Pour your herbal mixture into your basin adding additional warm water as needed to be sure your feet are covered.
  • Soak the feet for 15-20 minutes. This is a great time to read, listen to music or close your lovely eyes. 

If you are looking for more of an antifungal foot soak, add ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar after straining the herbal mixture into your basin; and replace the Peppermint Oil with Tea Tree oil.

AND if you have time, after your soak, put your feet up on a chair seat or a few cushions for 10-15 minutes. This can add to your stress release and improve circulation. 

Foot Clay Mask

This may come across as a little different, but trust me, this is going to be something you look forward to a second, third and fourth time! Foot masks are a great way to gently draw toxins from the feet, as they do on the face and body. They are cleansing, detoxifying and just plain good fun.


  • 3 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 2 tablespoons filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

 You might want to do this in the bathroom so that once the mask has dried you can rinse your feet without a trail of clay on the floor.


  • Mix the bentonite clay, filtered water, and apple cider vinegar until it is the consistency of a soft paste. Add more water if needed.
  • Smooth over your feet and ankles and allow to dry ~ 8-10 minutes.
  • Rinse and pat dry.
  • If you like, after rinsing, use a natural bristle brush, pumice stone or loofah,to remove any remaining clay and dead skin.
  • Rinse and pat dry.
  • Spray your feet with a Gem Juice Hydrosol
  • Apply Sunstone Lotion to keep your feet soft 

OR…a beautiful way to do this mask is to follow it with your herbal foot soak! In that case here are the steps: 

  • Mix the bentonite clay, filtered water, and apple cider vinegar until it is the consistency of a soft paste. Add more water if needed.
  • Create your herbal mixture, place your pan on the floor near you and your basin. While the herbal mixture is cooling apply your foot mask over your feet and ankles and allow to dry ~ 8-10 minutes.
  • Place your feet in the water and soak your feet for 10-15 minutes.
  • If you like, use a natural bristle brush, pumice stone or loofah,to remove any remaining clay and dead skin.
  • Pat dry.
  • Spray your feet with your favorite Gem Juice Hydrosol
  • Apply Sunstone Lotion or favorite Body Butter to keep your feet soft 

Because we hide our feet in shoes, sandals and boots, they can sometimes get lost in our self-care routines. Yet, the condition of our feet can determine how well they support our bodies.

Don’t be fooled by these simple steps ~ they pack in a whole lotta love! Pampering your feet will improve how your entire body moves and feels. Happy feet are strong feet. 

Big love,
Moon Mama

2 Responses


September 13, 2019

Thank you for your self- care tips. You are wonderful thoughtful lady😊 Many blessings to you and your family.

Sarah Ashley
Sarah Ashley

August 13, 2019

This sounds so wonderful!!! I work full time and I’m always on my feet. I’m always concerned about the health of my feet 🦶 This sounds like a wonderful way to indulge in a self care footsie routine 💕 Thank you for sharing 🙏

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